Manual Adler AD 1295 Fierbător

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3.The applicable voltage is 220-240V, ~50/60Hz. For safety reasons it is not appropriate to
connect multiple devices to one power outlet.
4.Please be cautious when using around children. Do not let the children to play with the
product. Do not let children or people who do not know the device to use it without
7.Never put the power cable, the plug or the whole device into the water. Never expose the
product to the atmospheric conditions such as direct sun light or rain, etc.. Never use the
product in humid conditions.
10.Never put the product on or close to the hot or warm surfaces or the kitchen appliances
like the electric oven or gas burner.
2.The product is only to be used indoors. Do not use the product for any purpose that is not
compatible with its application.
11.Never use the product close to combustibles.
5.WARNING: This device may be used by children over 8 years of age and persons with
reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or persons without experience or
knowledge of the device, only under the supervision of a person responsible for their safety,
or if they were instructed on the safe use of the device and are aware of the dangers
associated with its operation. Children should not play with the device. Cleaning and
maintenance of the device should not be carried out by children, unless they are over 8
years of age and these activities are carried out under supervision.
6.After you are finished using the product always remember to gently remove the plug from
the power outlet holding the outlet with your hand. Never pull the power cable!!!
1.Before using the product please read carefully and always comply with the following
instructions. The manufacturer is not responsible for any damages due to any misuse.
The warranty conditions are different, if the device is used for commercial purpose."
9.Never use the product with a damaged power cable or if it was dropped or damaged in any
other way or if it does not work properly. Do not try to repair the defected product yourself
because it can lead to electric shock. Always turn the damaged device to a professional
service location in order to repair it. All the repairs can be done only by authorized service
professionals. The repair that was done incorrectly can cause hazardous situations for the
12.Do not let cord hang over edge of counter or touch hot surfaces.
8.Periodically check the power cable condition. If the power cable is damaged the product
should be turned to a professional service location to be replaced in order to avoid
hazardous situations.
14.In order to provide additional protection, it is recommended to install residue current
device (RCD) in the power circuit, with residual current rating not more than 30 mA. Contact
professional electrician in this matter.
15. If the kettle is overfilled it may spurt boiling water.
18. CAUTION: Before lifting the kettle from the base make sure that the kettle is turned off.
16. WARNING: Do not open the lid if the water is boiling.
17. The kettle must only be used with the provided base.
13.Never leave the product connected to the power source without supervision. Even when
use is interrupted for a short time, turn it off from the network, unplug the power.
19. This equipment is intended for domestic and similar use, such as: staff kitchens in
stores, offices and other work environments, utility rooms, by customers in hotels, motels
and other residential environments of this type, in bedrooms and dining rooms.
20. Always use caution when boiling water in the kettle. Do not touch the housing of kettle or
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Model AD 1295
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Echipa noastră de asistență caută informații utile despre produs și răspunde la întrebările frecvente. Dacă descoperiți o inexactitate în întrebările frecvente, vă rugăm să ne anunțați utilizând formularul de contact.

Pentru ce este sită în ceainicul meu? Verificat

Aceasta este pentru a prinde orice calcar liber care s-ar fi putut acumula în timp.

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Ceainicul nu se termină și continuă să fiarbă, ce ar trebui să fac? Verificat

În multe cazuri, capacul fierbătorului nu a fost închis corect. Dacă se lasă să scape căldură, fierbătorul va fierbe în continuare. Dacă acest lucru nu rezolvă problema, trebuie să contactați producătorul sau un mecanic.

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Pot fierbe mai puțin decât cantitatea minimă de apă? Verificat

Nu. Când fierbe mai puțin decât cantitatea minimă de apă, este posibil ca senzorul de temperatură să nu funcționeze corect. Acest lucru ar putea împiedica fierbătorul să se oprească la punctul de fierbere, rezultând situații posibil periculoase.

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Pot fierbe mai mult decât cantitatea maximă de apă? Verificat

Nu. Când fierbeți mai mult decât cantitatea maximă de apă, fierbătorul s-ar putea revărsa. Acest lucru ar putea duce la situații posibil periculoase.

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Este eficient să umpleți un ceainic cu apă fierbinte de la robinet? Verificat

Nu. Pentru a aduce apă caldă la robinet, este adesea necesar să lăsați mai întâi apa rece, care va fi irosită. De asemenea, conductele vor umple aceeași cantitate de apă fierbinte care nu va fi folosită și se va răci, ceea ce duce la pierderi de energie. Prin urmare, este mai bine să umpleți un ceainic cu apă rece.

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Manual Adler AD 1295 Fierbător

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