Manual AquaPur IAN 298696 Uscător rufe

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CS99922 / Terry / layout size: 210 x 297 mm
CS99922 • Item Weight: ca. 1,05 kg • 02 / 2018 • IAN 298696 7
1 2 3 4
132 cm
65 cm
Please read instructions for use carefully and
keep for reference.
1. Take the bottom of the drying rack and press
the button for unlocking. Drag down the joint
to unfold the legs completely until it clicks
into place. Afterwards place it on a at and
non-slip surface.
2. Plug the frame of the upper part of the drying
rack into the frame of the lower one.
3. Now lift a foldable hanger holder up to a hori
zontal position and press it inwards. Repeat
this step for the remaining two hangers.
When folding, rst push the safety catch
upwards so that you can pull out the hanger
holder again.
4. You can use the hanger holder in two posi
Pay attention to your hands and ngers when
you set up or fold the drying rack. This is not a
toy. Please keep children away from it. Please
check the laundry airer for damage regularly and
before each use. A damaged laundry airer must
not be used. Do not use the laundry airer as an
additional tray or storage place. There are no
spare parts available for this laundry airer. This
drying rack is designed exclusively for home use
only! Any professional use, use under inappropri
ate conditions or handling that deviates from the
instructions on use is prohibited. Never attempt
to repair the equipment yourself. Please note the
maximum load: 15kg
Repairs and maintenance work must be carried
out by a competent person and in accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions. The prod
uct should be stored in a light-protected, dry and
clean place.
To keep your product long, you should regularly
clean it with a soft sponge and soapy water. Nev
er use aggressive detergents or abrasives.
The packaging is made entirely of recyclable
materials, which you may dispose of at local recy
cling facilities.
Contact your local refuse disposal authority for
more details of how to dispose of your worn-out
CASA SI Marketing- und VertriebsgmbH
Obkirchergasse 36, 1190 Wien, Austria
GB: 0800 124 43 90 • CY: +43 1 440 28 62
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Marcă AquaPur
Model IAN 298696
Categorie Uscătoare rufe
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 2.74 MB

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Manual AquaPur IAN 298696 Uscător rufe