Manual Barkan E310 Suport pe perete

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Caution!! Ignoring the safety instructions may lead to the falling of the mount/
shelf and/or the electrical appliance. If you are not able to/or lack the experience
to carry out wall or ceiling installation, contact a suitable professional installer
or contact the store of purchase for further advice. If installed by an appropriate
professional, please, make sure he/she has the necessary experience in
assembling mounts and has read and understood the safety and assembly
1. Wall/ceiling installation surface – The supplied screws and bolts are only suitable for
attaching to walls and ceilings made of: concrete, standard 10 cm or more concrete blocks,
wood studs/ joists of minimum depth 10 cm. (Standard 7cm concrete blocks are suitable for
the installation of fixed mounts or movement mounts carrying electrical appliances weighing
a maximum of 25 kg). Do not install on walls and ceilings made of: gypsum board, drywall,
light processed blocks, Silicate boards/bricks, dry, weak or very old blocks or wooden panel!
For installation on gypsum or light processed blocks please call an authorized installer or
appropriate building specialist to install the product.
2. Position and height of the installed product - Install in such a place where collision with
the product will not lead to injuries. Do not install in hallwaysor above beds and chairs.
3. Keep children and unnecessary bystanders away from the assembly area.
4. Tightening of bolts and screws - Carefully tighten all bolts and nuts of 6mm / 1/4 inch
diameter or less, in order to avoid breakage.
5. Installation strength check - After installing the mount/shelf to the wall or
ceiling, perform a strength test of the weight load as indicated in the assembly ins.
6. Checking the electrical component attachment to the mount - Following the installation
of your home entertainment component, check that it is well connected, securely attached
(per instructions) and can not slip off or disconnect. If unsure regarding the connection of
the component to the mount, consult either the store of purchase or visit our website at and open the FAQ (frequently asked questions) page or contact us
through the site.
7. Mounts with quick connect/disconnect mechanism - After connecting your home
entertainment component to the mount, make sure it is well connected by pulling slightly on
the connection. When disconnecting the component- whilst holding the component firmly,
remove the security bolt (if one present), press the disconnect mechanism and remove the
component carefully according to the assembly instructions.
8. Periodic maintenance checks - One month after installation, please check that A. The
mount is tight against the wall/ceiling. B. The home entertainment component is well attached
to the mount/shelf. C. The nuts, bolts and belts (CRT models) have not loosened. Repeat the
maintenance checks every six months following installation. If any faults are found, remove
the home entertainment component from the mount and reassemble the mount as per the
assembly instructions.
9. Movement mounts - oil slightly all pivot points on installation (except the pivot points
inside the LCD/Plasma tilt mechanism) and afterwards once a year or whenever movement
becomes difficult. A. TV (CRT)/VCR mounts – To adjust the viewing angle of the componen–
push or pull the mount only. Do not push or pull your home entertainment component. B.
LCD/Plasma/Projector mounts can be turned and tilted by moving the actual screen or
projector. Be careful to carry out all movements gently.
Barkan Mounts Ltd is not responsible for the installation.
Please ask your installer for an installation warranty certificate.
PRODUCT LIABILITY - product warranty years appears on product packaging as
well as in company website
Dear Customer - Thank you for purchasing Barkan's high quality product. We wish
you many hours of pleasant viewing and listening. Barkan Mounts Ltd. warrants that
it will replace or repair this item, free of charge, according to Barkan's discretion
if it should prove defective in materials or workmanship. If a claim is made under
this guarantee, the product should be returned prepaid freight, with the original
purchasing document to your dealer or to Barkan distributor. This warranty does
not apply to: 1. Ignoring of safety & assembly instructions. 2. Coating defects. 3.
Normal wear. Friction damages. 4. Installing other products to the mount/ shelf,
not manufactured by Barkan. 5. Modification or repairs not made by Barkan. 6.
Damage caused by accident or force majeure 7. Damage caused by misuse or abuse
or harm to the product. 8. Mounting the product to the wall/ ceiling. Installing the
electrical appliance to the product. 9. Breakage of the plastic covers.
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Înțelegem că este plăcut să aveți un manual pe hârtie pentru Barkan E310 Suport pe perete. Puteți oricând descărca manualul de pe site-ul nostru web și îl puteți imprima singur. Dacă doriți să aveți un manual original, vă recomandăm să contactați Barkan. S-ar putea să ofere un manual original. Căutați manualul dvs. Barkan E310 Suport pe perete într-o altă limbă? Alegeți limba preferată pe pagina noastră de pornire și căutați numărul de model pentru a vedea dacă îl avem disponibil.


Marcă Barkan
Model E310
Categorie Suporturi pe perete
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Mărime fișier 4.23 MB

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