Manual Beper P206VEN260 Ventilator

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Intelligent Multidirectional Fan Use Instructions
In order to ensure your children‘s safety, please keep all packaging
(plastic bags, boxes,
polystyrene etc.) out of their reach.
Use this circulator only for intended household use as described in
this manual. Any
other use not recommended by the manufacturer are forbidden.
Description of the product and control panel Fig.A
1. Control panel
2. Fan head housing
3. Recessed handle (on the back)
4. Blade
5. Grill
6. Main Body
7. Oscillating base
8. Timer button
9. Swing button
10. Mode button
11. On/Off button
12. Speed setting buttons
Operating instructions
Remove all packaging materials from your air circulator. The air circulator does not require assembling.
Inspect the product, if you notice any damage, contact the seller. Never operate a product with a damaged cord
or plug. Place the fan on a dry, at and stable surface.
Plug in and the appliance will be in standby mode.
The appliance may be operated by the touch-sensitive buttons on the control panel or by the
Supplied remote control.
Press on/off button once to switch on the appliance, the appliance starts running at the 6th speed.
Press “+” or “-” button to select your desired speed between 1-12. Led indicator lights will display the corre-
sponding wind speed.
Press timer button to activate timer, the time can be set from 1 to 12 hours. Led indicator lights will display the
corresponding set time. The circulator will stop automatically after the set time has expired.
Press swing button once to activate the horizontal swing function. Press the button again to stop horizontal swing
and activate the vertical swing function. Press the button three times to activate both horizontal and vertical
swing simultaneously. Press four times to stop the swing function.
Warning: do not tilt the fan head by force for the potential damage.
By pressing the mode button, the fan will cycle through different patterns of wind modes.
Normal wind: the fan is operating in normal mode, at constant speed.
Natural wind: the fan is simulating a natural wind by cycling through all the speeds.
Sleep wind: the fan decreases from the setting high speed to low speed every half hour, and nally it sets to run
at low speed until it is turned off.
Always unplug the circulator from the power socket when not in use, or if it will be left unattended.
Warning: the product is equipped with an handle on the back. To move the product, hold it rmly
both by the handle and by the main body in order to avoid breaking the oscillation gears.
Remote controller instruction
The remote control includes one cr2025 battery. Battery comes pre-installed.
Pull the plastic insulation lm out from the backside of the remote control before rst use.
The remote control functions are the same as the control panel on the circulator. Follow the same instructions
above to operate the fan remotely.
Note: the remote control must be pointed towards the receiver on the fan in order to work.
Please take out the battery in case of no use for long time.
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Marcă Beper
Model P206VEN260
Categorie Ventilatoare
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 2.41 MB

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Întrebări frecvente despre Beper P206VEN260 Ventilator

Echipa noastră de asistență caută informații utile despre produs și răspunde la întrebările frecvente. Dacă descoperiți o inexactitate în întrebările frecvente, vă rugăm să ne anunțați utilizând formularul de contact.

Influențează un ventilator temperatura camerei? Verificat

Nu, un ventilator mișcă doar aerul, oferind un efect de răcire a pielii.

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Care este cel mai bun loc pentru un fan? Verificat

Dacă există o sursă de aer rece, cum ar fi un aparat de aer condiționat, un ventilator poate fi utilizat pentru a distribui mai bine și în continuare acel aer rece. Dacă se folosește doar ventilatorul, cel mai bine este să-l așezați cu capul înalt. Capul este una dintre părțile corpului care transpare cel mai mult și aerul în mișcare ajută la disiparea căldurii. Acest lucru oferă efectul maxim de răcire.

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Manual Beper P206VEN260 Ventilator

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