Manual Braun 851V Perie de curățare facială

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driver. Insert 3 button cells (type LR1130)
with the + poles on top. Replace the
battery cover.
Batteries may leak if empty or not used for
a long time. In order to protect you and
the appliance, please remove batteries in
a timely manner and avoid skin contact
whilst handling leaking batteries.
Non-rechargeable batteries are not to be
recharged. The terminals must not be
short-circuited. Do not mix new and used
batteries or different battery types.
Facial epilation
Before use, make sure your skin and
the epilation head are thoroughly clean.
Turn on the appliance by sliding the
on/off switch (2) to the left or to the right.
The rotating direction of the tweezers
depends on the direction you move the
switch when turning on. For best results,
make sure that the tweezers rotate
against the direction of hair growth.
To become familiar with the appliance
we recommend trying it first on the chin
or near the outer corners of the mouth.
Hold the appliance with the tweezers
against a section of skin that you keep
stretched with your free hand. Carefully
guide it with gentle pressure against
the direction of hair growth. Do not
press too hard as this may lead to skin
injury. To stretch the upper lip area,
use your tongue to push from below.
After use, slide the on/off switch to the
«o» (= off) position.
Carefully clean the epilation head
using the cleaning brush provided. You
may want to dip the brush into ethanol
(70%). Make sure that it is completely
dry before you re-attach it and close it
with the protective cap.
To relax the skin we recommend apply-
ing a moisturizing cream after epilation.
When epilating for the first time, it is
advisable to epilate in the evening, so
that any possible reddening can disap-
pear overnight.
General information on epilation
All methods of hair removal from the root
can lead to irritation (e.g. itching, discom-
fort and reddening of the skin) depending
on the condition of the skin and hair. This
is a normal reaction and should quickly
disappear, but may be stronger when you
are removing hair at the root for the first
few times or if you have sensitive skin. If,
after 36 hours, the skin still shows irrita-
tion, we recommend that you contact your
physician. In general, skin reactions and
the sensation of pain tend to diminish
considerably with the repeated use. In
some cases inflammation of the skin could
occur when bacteria penetrate the skin
(e.g. when sliding the appliance over the
skin). Thoroughly cleaning the epilation
head and your skin before each use will
minimise the risk of infection.
If you have any doubts about using this
appliance, please consult your physician.
In the following cases, this appliance
should only be used after prior consulta-
tion with a physician: eczema, wounds,
inflamed skin reactions such as folliculitis
(purulent hair follicles) and varicose
veins around moles, reduced immunity of
the skin, e.g. diabetes mellitus, during
pregnancy, Raynaud’s disease, koebner
phenomenon, haemophilia or immune
When you begin taking hormones or if you
change the type of hormone medication
(e.g. contraceptive pill), the growth of your
hairs may be influenced due to a change
of your hormone level. This is caused by
the change of hormonal conditions but
not by the appliance.
Facial cleansing
Pull off the epilator head and attach the
brush/pad adapter (6) provided with a
cleansing brush (5a) or vitalizing pad (5b).
91995488_Face_853_EURO.indd 991995488_Face_853_EURO.indd 9 09.10.18 13:4709.10.18 13:47
Business Use - P&G AUTHORIZED POA-00075300 Rev 001 Effective Date 2018-10-15 Printed 2018-10-31 Page 9 of 96
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Marcă Braun
Model 851V
Categorie Perii de curățare facială
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Mărime fișier 7.71 MB

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Întrebări frecvente despre Braun 851V Perie de curățare facială

Echipa noastră de asistență caută informații utile despre produs și răspunde la întrebările frecvente. Dacă descoperiți o inexactitate în întrebările frecvente, vă rugăm să ne anunțați utilizând formularul de contact.

Există ceva BPA în materialele plastice utilizate în produsele Braun? Verificat

Braun indică faptul că în toate produsele nu există BPA utilizat în piese care pot intra în contact cu produsele alimentare.

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Pot folosi o perie de curățare a feței în fiecare zi? Verificat

Nu este recomandat să folosiți o perie de curățare a feței în fiecare zi. Utilizarea foarte regulată poate duce la uscăciune și iritare a pielii.

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Manual Braun 851V Perie de curățare facială

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