Manual Camry CR 1113 Platan

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2. The word 'SLEEP' on the display informs you that the automatic shut-off function is activated.
3. After the selected time has elapsed the device will turn off and enter standby mode.
Used to change the operating mode of the device
PHON (turntable operation mode)
AUX (external device operation mode)
TUNE (AM/FM radio mode)
1. Turn the device on using the ON/OFF button (17) and set the radio mode using the FUNCTION button (5).
2. Using the BAND button (11) set the wavelength to AM or FM.
3. Using the TUNING DOWN button (12) or TUNING UP button (13) tune to the desired radio frequency. Pressing and holding the
button for approximately 2 seconds will automatically search for the closest frequency. After it is found the search will stop.
4. To save the radio station frequency to memory press the MODE/CLOCK button (9). The program number will begin flashing.
5. Using the PRESET DOWN button (15) or PRESET UP button (16) select the program number in which you want to save the radio
6. Confirm the selected program number by pressing the MODE/CLOCK button (9) again. The program number will stop flashing.
7. Repeat steps 4-7 to program selected stations (maximum of 30 programs).
8. You can switch between saved programs by using the PRESET DOWN button (15) and PRESET UP button (16).
9. You can set the volume by turning the volume control knob (17).
10. The FM antenna (24) is located on the back panel. If the reception is poor, try to move the antenna and find a spot in which the
signal is strongest.
The AM antenna is located inside the radio receiver. If the reception is poor, try moving the receiver to a different place or turning it in
another direction to catch the strongest signal.
11. The TUNER SCAN button (10) is used to automatically find and save available radio stations.
Prior to first use of the turntable, remove the turntable needle guard (23) and untie the knot protecting the turntable arm found next to the
turntable arm lock (20).
1. Release the turntable arm lock (20) and set the device to the PHON mode.
2. Place the disc on the turntable plate. If necessary, use the adapter (18).
3. Select the plate's rotational speed (the rotational speed depending on the type of disc) by using the switch (21).
4. Lift the turntable arm by using the lever (19). Gently slide the arm onto the track you want to listen to. Lower the needle arm using
the lever (19).
5. To stop playback of the disc, lift the turntable arm using the lever (19).
6. After completion of playback of the disc lift the turntable arm using the turntable lever (19). Move the arm over the lock (20) and
lower it using the lever (19).
7. To turn the AUTO-STOP function on or off use the AUTO-STOP switch (27).
1. Disconnect the radio from the network.
2. The device may only be wiped with a dry cloth.
3. The device should be kept in a dry room.
CAUTION: Do not use water for cleaning - this may damage the device.
Power source: 230V ~50Hz
RMS output power: 2x 1.5W
Power: 15W
Bei Verwendung des Gerätes zu gewerblichen Zwecken werden die Garantiebedingungen
To protect your environment: please separate carton boxes and plastic bags and dispose them in corresponding
waste bins. Used appliance should be delivered to the dedicated collecting points due to hazarsous
components, which may effect the environment. Do not dispose this appliance in the common waste bin.
Hereby, Adler Sp. z o.o., Ordona 2a, 01-237 Warsaw, Poland
declares that the radio equipment type Turntable CR1113 is in
compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU
declaration of conformity is available at the following internet
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Олег Владимирович Абрамов 21-01-2023
Am primit dispozitivul, dar volumul este puțin lipsit. Am vrut să mă conectez prin centrul de muzică, dar mă îndoiesc. Este posibil să faci asta și cum. Aparatul este bun pentru a asculta acasă discuri de vinil vechi și radio și practic nu se oprește ....

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M. Distler 27-07-2023
Placa turnantă se oprește în timpul jocului. Deși nu este setată o oprire automată.

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Marcă Camry
Model CR 1113
Categorie Platane
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 4.52 MB

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Echipa noastră de asistență caută informații utile despre produs și răspunde la întrebările frecvente. Dacă descoperiți o inexactitate în întrebările frecvente, vă rugăm să ne anunțați utilizând formularul de contact.

Când ar trebui să înlocuiesc acul de pe platan? Verificat

Acest lucru depinde de ac, dar, în general, un ac va dura 500-2000 de ore de joc, în funcție de calitatea acului. Când cumpărați un platan rotativ de mâna a doua, înlocuiți întotdeauna acul ca măsură preventivă. Nu înlocuiți acul la timp poate duce la deteriorarea înregistrărilor.

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Manual Camry CR 1113 Platan

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