Manual Candy CVG64SPNX Plită

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Before cleaning the hob, ensure the appliance has cooled down.
Remove the plug from the socket or (if connected directly) switch off
the electricity supply.
Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without
Never use abrasives, corrosive detergents, bleaching agents or
acids. Avoid any acid or alkaline substances (lemon, juice, vinegar
etc.) on the enamelled, varnished or stainless steel sections.
When cleaning the enamelled, varnished or chrome sections, use
warm soapy water or a non caustic detergent. For stainless steel use
an appropriate cleaning solution.
The burners can be cleaned with soapy water. To restore their original
shine, use a household stainless steel cleaner. After cleaning, dry the
burners and replace.
It is important the Burners are replaced correctly.
Chromed grids and burners
Chromed grids and burners have a tendency to discolour with use.
This does not jeopardize the functionality of the hob.
Our After Sales Service Centre can provide spare parts if required.
Before calling out a Service Engineer please check the following:
• that the plug is correctly inserted and fused;
• that the gas supply is not faulty.
If the fault cannot be detected:
Switch off the appliance and call the After Service Centre. DO NOT
This appliance is marked according to the European
directive 2012/19/EU on Waste Electrical and
Electronic Equipment (WEEE). WEEE contains both
polluting substances (which can cause negative
consequences for the environment) and basic
components (which can be re-used). It is important to
have WEEE subjected to specific treatments, in order
to remove and dispose properly all pollutants, and
recover and recycle all materials.
Individuals can play an important role in ensuring that WEEE does not
become an environmental issue; it is essential to follow some basic
• WEEE shall not be treated as household waste.
• WEEE shall be handed over to the relevant collection points
managed by the municipality or by registered companies. In many
countries, for large WEEE, home collection could be present.
• When you buy a new appliance, the old one may be returned to the
retailer who has to collect it free of charge on a one-to-one basis, as
long as the equipment is of equivalent type and has the same
functions as the supplied equipment.
The Manufacturer will not be responsible for any inaccuracy resulting from
printing or transcript errors contained in this brochure. We reserve the right
to carry out modifications to products as required, including the interests of
consumption, without prejiudice to the characteristics relating to safety or
Declaration of compliance: This equipment, in the parts intended to
come into contact with food, complies with the regulations laid down in
EEC directives 89/109.
Appliance complies with European Directives 2006/95/EC,
2004/108/EC and 2009/142/EC, and subsequent
08 GB
This appliance has been designed for non-professional, i.e. domestic, use.
Table 1
Type /Reference
Burners arrangement
3Gas 4Gas 3Gas+1E 5Gas 4Gas 5Gas
Auxiliary Burner (AUX) 11 1 111
Semirapid Burner (SR) -2 2 111
Rapid Burner (R) 11 - 212
Ultrarapid Burner (UR) ------
Quadruple Crown Burner (QC) 1- - 111
Electric Plate
-- 1 ---
Flame failure device
Installation Class
33 3 333
Product dimension (mmxmm)
Gas Power (kW)
7,1 7 4,5 11,35 8,85 11,35
G20 20 mbar (N.G.) (l/h)
676 667 429 1081 843 1081
Gas Power (kW)
7,1 7 4,5 11,35 8,85 11,35
G30/G31 28-30/37 mbar (LPG) (g/h)
516 509 327 825 644 825
Voltage (V) /Frequency (Hz)
Electrical Power (W)
Alternative injector kit for LPG gas available in the packaging
Rated power input
745 x 510
220-240 V / 50-60 Hz
595 x 510
Installed Gas type / power
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Echipa noastră de asistență caută informații utile despre produs și răspunde la întrebările frecvente. Dacă descoperiți o inexactitate în întrebările frecvente, vă rugăm să ne anunțați utilizând formularul de contact.

Ce tigăi pot fi utilizate pe o plită cu inducție? Verificat

În general, toate tigăile magnetice pot fi utilizate pe o plită cu inducție. Aproape toate tigaile noi sunt potrivite pentru inducție.

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Plita mea are o priză care nu se potrivește cu o priză obișnuită, ce ar trebui să fac? Verificat

Multe plite electrice (atât ceramice, cât și cu inducție) au o fișă diferită. Acest lucru se datorează faptului că aceste aparate necesită multă energie. Instalați aparatul de către un profesionist.

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De ce aprinderea din gama mea scoate un clic? Verificat

Dacă gama a fost curățată cu multă apă, butoanele s-ar fi putut uda, declanșând contactul. Lăsați butoanele să se usuce. Dacă problema persistă, trebuie să contactați producătorul.

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Manual Candy CVG64SPNX Plită

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