Manual Char-Broil 468201015-C1 Onyx Grătar

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Leave this manual with consumer.
Keep this manual for future reference.
If you have questions during assembly or
use of this appliance contact your local
If you smell gas:
1. Shut off gas to the appliance.
2. Extinguish any open flames.
3. Open lid.
4. If odor continues, keep away from the appliance and
immediately call your gas supplier or your fire
1. Do not store or use petrol or other flammable liquids
in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
2. A gas cylinder not connected for use shall not be
stored in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
Read and follow all safety statements, assembly
instructions and use and care directions before
attempting to assemble and cook.
Some parts may contain sharp edges. Wearing protective
gloves is recommended.
Grease Fires
• Putting out grease fires by closing the lid is not
possible. Grills are well ventilated for safety reasons.
• Do not use water on a grease fire, Personal injury
may result. If a persistent grease fire develops, turn
knobs and gas cylinder off.
• If appliance has not been regularly cleaned, a grease
fire can occur that may damage the product. Pay
close attention while preheating or burning off food
residue to insure that a grease fire does not develop.
Follow instructions on General Appliance Cleaning
and Cleaning The Burner Assembly to prevent grease
• The best way to prevent grease fires is
regular cleaning of the appliance.
For Safe Use of Your Appliance and to Avoid
Serious Injury:
Read the instructions before using the appliance.
Always follow these instructions.
Do not move the appliance during use.
Accessible parts may be very hot. Keep young
children away. Do not let children operate or play near
Turn off the gas supply at the cylinder after use.
This appliance must be kept away from flammable
materials during use.
Do not block holes in sides or back of appliance.
Check burner flames regularly.
Do not block venturi openings on burner.
Use appliance only in well-ventilated space. NEVER
use in enclosed space such as carport, garage, porch,
covered patio, or under an overhead structure of any
Do not use charcoal or ceramic briquets in a gas
DO NOT cover grates with aluminum foil or any other
material. This will block burner ventilation and create
a potentially dangerous condition resulting in property
damage and/or personal injury.
NEVER attempt to light burner with lid closed. A
buildup of non-ignited gas inside a closed appliance is
Always turn off gas at cylinder and disconnect
regulator before moving gas cylinder from specified
operating position.
Never operate appliance with gas cylinder out of
correct position specified.
Do not modify the appliance. Any modifications is
strictly prohibited. Sealed parts are not to be
manipulated by the user. Do not disassemble
Use appliance at least 1 m from any wall or surface.
Maintain 3 m clearance to objects that can catch fire or
sources of ignition such as pilot lights on water heaters,
live electrical appliances, etc.
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Marcă Char-Broil
Model 468201015-C1 Onyx
Categorie Grătare
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 10.6 MB

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Întrebări frecvente despre Char-Broil 468201015-C1 Onyx Grătar

Echipa noastră de asistență caută informații utile despre produs și răspunde la întrebările frecvente. Dacă descoperiți o inexactitate în întrebările frecvente, vă rugăm să ne anunțați utilizând formularul de contact.

Care este diferența dintre cărbune și brichete? Verificat

Brichetele sunt realizate din resturi de biți din producția de cărbune, conferindu-i proprietăți diferite. Cărbunele arde mai repede și poate atinge temperaturi mai ridicate. Brichetele ard mai mult și mențin o temperatură mai consistentă.

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Manual Char-Broil 468201015-C1 Onyx Grătar