Manual Edox 10110-357JCA-AID Delfin Chronograph Ceas de mana

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1.4 What are the service intervals?
Every 24 months
we advise you to do maintenance service
(water resistance, movement accuracy
Every 5 years
we advise you to do a complete mainte-
nance service (complete movement
revision, water resistance, accuracy and
functionality complete revision).
Who should I contact for a
maintenance service or battery
We recommend that you contact an
authorized Edox retailer, as they are the
only certified specialists equipped with the
tools and apparatus required carrying out
the work and the necessary checks in a
professional manner. Furthermore, only
these certified specialists can guarantee
that their work is carried out in accord-
ance with Edox’ strict quality standards.
Make sure that right after each battery
change the watch has been water-resist-
ant tested.
1.5 Environmental protection
Collection and treatment of end of life
Quartz watches*
This product should not be disposed of
with household waste. It has to be
returned to a local authorized collection
system. By following this procedure you
will contribute to the protection of the
environment and human health. The recy-
cling of the materials will help to conserve
natural resources.
*valid in EU member states and in any
countries with corresponding legislation.
Mechanical watches
The mechanical Edox watch with an auto-
matic movement does not need to be
wound by hand.
The motion of your wrist makes the rotor
(oscillating weight or mass) turn, thereby
winding up the mainspring of the watch
The everyday activity of life is sufficient in
itself to wind up an automatic Edox watch
and it will run continually, even if it is
removed at night. However, if not worn for
approximately 40 hours, it will stop. To
make the watch work again, turn the
crown clockwise about 20 times. Now set
the time and if possible the date, etc.
2.1 Mechanical watches accuracy
Depending on the movement, the daily
tolerance of a mechanical watch can be of
30 seconds. If you notice a bigger toler-
ance rate, you can have your watch
adjusted at a service center in your coun-
try, free of charge within the guarantee
2.2 Chronometer watches accuracy
Every Edox Chronometer comes with a
rating certificate issued after an official
test by the Swiss Official Chronometer
Testing Institute (COSC). The accuracy of
the watch movement is tested electroni-
cally at the COSC during 15 days in
different positions and at different tem-
peratures. The average daily rating must
not exceed -4/+6 seconds per day.
Only Edox watches which have success-
fully undergone the official COSC rating
procedure qualify as chronometers.
3.1 Helium escape valve
Decompression system which allows
helium to escape from inside the watch
when the watch is worn for professional
use in pressure chambers. (Long-term
underwater work, crude oil exploration,
Important: The Edox helium valve opens
and closes automatically (for the models
wearing the new automatic Helium
escape valve). The models wearing a non-
automatic Helium escape valve must have
the valve screw down in order to guaran-
tee the water resistance of the watch.
Unscrew the Helium escape valve only to
release the gas from the watch. Do not
unscrew it under water in order to prevent
water entering the mechanism.
3.2 Tachymeter scale
Some Edox Chronograph watches have a
tachymeter scale. With this scale it is pos-
sible to measure the speed. The distance
is 1 km. To measure the elapsed time
press the start/stop button when the vehi-
cle (power-boat) passes the starting and
the final point or target. The figure shown
by the hand on the tachymeter scale indi-
cates the average speed in kilometers. If
for instance a car covers a 1 km distance
in 30 seconds, you can consider it to an
average speed of 120 km per hour.
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Marcă Edox
Model 10110-357JCA-AID Delfin Chronograph
Categorie Ceasuri de mana
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Mărime fișier 4.91 MB

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Întrebări frecvente despre Edox 10110-357JCA-AID Delfin Chronograph Ceas de mana

Echipa noastră de asistență caută informații utile despre produs și răspunde la întrebările frecvente. Dacă descoperiți o inexactitate în întrebările frecvente, vă rugăm să ne anunțați utilizând formularul de contact.

O baterie din dispozitivul meu este oxidată, o mai pot folosi în siguranță? Verificat

Da, dispozitivul poate fi încă utilizat în siguranță. În primul rând, scoateți bateria oxidată. Nu folosiți niciodată mâinile goale pentru a face acest lucru. Apoi curățați compartimentul bateriei cu un tampon de bumbac înmuiat în oțet sau suc de lămâie. Lăsați-l să se usuce și introduceți baterii noi.

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Ceasul meu mecanic funcționează rapid, ce pot face? Verificat

Acest lucru ar putea fi cauzat de expunerea la un câmp magnetic. Poate fi rezolvat printr-un proces de demagnetizare efectuat de un ceasornicar profesionist.

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Ce reprezintă AM și PM? Verificat

AM înseamnă Ante Meridiem și indică faptul că ora este înainte de prânz. PM reprezintă Post Meridiem și indică faptul că ora este trecută de prânz.

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Ce este un „Cronograf”? Verificat

Un „Cronograf” este literalmente un „scriitor al timpului”. Termenul este folosit pentru a descrie ceasurile și ceasurile care indică ora din zi, precum și măsoară o anumită perioadă de timp, cum ar fi un cronometru.

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Ce este GMT? Verificat

GMT înseamnă Greenwich Mean Time (uneori numită UTC, reprezentând Timpul universal coordonat). Este timpul pentru longitudinea 0, care trece prin Greenwich lângă Londra.

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Ce este o mișcare de cuarț? Verificat

Ceasurile și ceasurile cu mișcare de cuarț sunt acționate de o baterie. Aceasta trimite un curent electric prin cristale de cuarț care vor vibra. Aceste vibrații sunt transmise mișcării. Deoarece vibrațiile au o frecvență fixă, ceasurile și ceasurile cu mișcare de cuarț sunt extrem de precise.

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Manual Edox 10110-357JCA-AID Delfin Chronograph Ceas de mana

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