Manual Edox 83015-3-BIN Les Bémonts Automatic Day Date Ceas de mana

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Occasional winding: if the watch has not
been worn for more than 42 hours or more,
wind it up with the crown in position 1.
2. Correcting the date: pull the crown
out to position 2, turn the crown back-
wards (forwards for references 83) and
push it back to position 1.
Correcting the day for the references
83: pull the crown out to position 2, turn
the crown backwards, then push the
crown to position 1.
3. Time setting: hours, minutes and sec-
onds. Pull the crown out to position 3. The
seconds hand will stop. Turn the crown
forwards or backwards. Synchronise the
seconds by pushing the crown back to
position 1 to coincide with a given time
Power reserve: for references 94: The
small hand places in the counter at 6
o’clock indicates the power reserve. If the
automatic mechanical watch is not worn,
the power reserve lasts for approximate
42 hours. The power reserve can be
increased by winding up the crown manu-
ally in position 1 or while wearing the
watch on the wrist by the rotation of the
oscillation mass.
Movement 805
Watch functions:
The crown has 3 positions:
1. Time setting: pull the crown in posi-
tion 3 (the watch stops), turn the crown
forwards until correct time appears. Push
the crown in position 1.
2. Date setting: pull the crown in posi-
tion 2 and turn the crown forward until
correct date appears. Push the crown in
position 1.
3. Moon setting: pull the crown in
postion 2 and turn it backwards until the
full moon appears in the center of the
moon phase window. Determine the date
of the last full moon with a calendar. Turn
the crown backwards as many moon
phases and days since the last full moon.
This is valid also for the new moon timing.
Push the crown in position 1.
Movement 47, 85, 853
Watch functions:
The crown has 2 positions:
1. Normal position (wearing posi-
tion): when the crown is positioned
against the case, the crown ensures that
the watch is water-resistant.
Occasional winding: if the watch has not
been worn for more than 42 hours or more,
wind it up with the crown in position 1.
2. Time setting: hours, minutes and sec-
onds. Pull the crown out to position 3. The
seconds hand will stop. Turn the crown for-
wards or backwards. Synchronise the
seconds by pushing the crown back to posi-
tion 1 to coincide with a given time signal.
Movement 87
Watch functions:
The crown has 2 positions:
1. Normal position (wearing posi-
tion): when the crown is positioned
against the case, the crown ensures that
the watch is water-resistant.
Occasional winding: if the watch has not
been worn for more than 42 hours or more,
wind it up with the crown in position 1.
2. Time setting: hours and minutes. Pull
the crown out to position 2. Turn the
crown forwards or backwards. Push the
crown back to position 1.
Hand-operating repeater: by pushing
the pusher-button, you start the 5 minutes
repeater mechanism: the first series of
blows strikes the hours (one tone) the
second series of blows strikes every five
minutes (two tones). For example:
11:43 minutes: first 11 single tones – the
hours – the 8 double tones – the minutes
as 8 x 5 = 40 minutes.
Attention: let the mechanism ring
entirely before activating it again in order
to prevent damages. Do not set the time
when the ring is activated. Edox declines
all responsibilities of misuse.
Movement 90
Watch functions:
The crown has 2 positions:
1. Normal position (wearing posi-
tion): when the crown is positioned
against the case, the crown ensures that
the watch is water-resistant.
Occasional winding: if the watch has not
been worn for more than 42 hours or more,
wind it up with the crown in position 1.
2. Time setting: hours and minutes. Pull
the crown out to position 2. Turn the
crown forwards or backwards. Push the
crown back to position 1.
Moon phase adjustment: press the
push-button C until the full moon appears
in the centre of the moon aperture.
Determine the date of the last full moon by
using a calendar. Press the push-button C
as often as the number of days which
have passed since the last full moon.
Date setting (31 days): press the push-
button D until the centre hand points the
desired day.
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Marcă Edox
Model 83015-3-BIN Les Bémonts Automatic Day Date
Categorie Ceasuri de mana
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 4.91 MB

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Întrebări frecvente despre Edox 83015-3-BIN Les Bémonts Automatic Day Date Ceas de mana

Echipa noastră de asistență caută informații utile despre produs și răspunde la întrebările frecvente. Dacă descoperiți o inexactitate în întrebările frecvente, vă rugăm să ne anunțați utilizând formularul de contact.

O baterie din dispozitivul meu este oxidată, o mai pot folosi în siguranță? Verificat

Da, dispozitivul poate fi încă utilizat în siguranță. În primul rând, scoateți bateria oxidată. Nu folosiți niciodată mâinile goale pentru a face acest lucru. Apoi curățați compartimentul bateriei cu un tampon de bumbac înmuiat în oțet sau suc de lămâie. Lăsați-l să se usuce și introduceți baterii noi.

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Ceasul meu mecanic funcționează rapid, ce pot face? Verificat

Acest lucru ar putea fi cauzat de expunerea la un câmp magnetic. Poate fi rezolvat printr-un proces de demagnetizare efectuat de un ceasornicar profesionist.

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Ce reprezintă AM și PM? Verificat

AM înseamnă Ante Meridiem și indică faptul că ora este înainte de prânz. PM reprezintă Post Meridiem și indică faptul că ora este trecută de prânz.

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Ce este un „Cronograf”? Verificat

Un „Cronograf” este literalmente un „scriitor al timpului”. Termenul este folosit pentru a descrie ceasurile și ceasurile care indică ora din zi, precum și măsoară o anumită perioadă de timp, cum ar fi un cronometru.

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Ce este GMT? Verificat

GMT înseamnă Greenwich Mean Time (uneori numită UTC, reprezentând Timpul universal coordonat). Este timpul pentru longitudinea 0, care trece prin Greenwich lângă Londra.

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Ce este o mișcare de cuarț? Verificat

Ceasurile și ceasurile cu mișcare de cuarț sunt acționate de o baterie. Aceasta trimite un curent electric prin cristale de cuarț care vor vibra. Aceste vibrații sunt transmise mișcării. Deoarece vibrațiile au o frecvență fixă, ceasurile și ceasurile cu mișcare de cuarț sunt extrem de precise.

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Manual Edox 83015-3-BIN Les Bémonts Automatic Day Date Ceas de mana

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