Manual Electrolux E7CB1-6FGM Blender

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Thank you for choosing an Electrolux product. In order to ensure the best results, always use original Electrolux
accessories and spare parts. They have been designed especially for your product. This product is designed with
the environment in mind. All plastic parts are marked for recycling purposes.
A. Blender base
B. Suction feet
C. ON/OFF-button
D. Mini jug
E. Blender blade
F. Blender blade base
G. Mini jug lid with ller hole
H. Measuring cup
I. Take away bottle*
J. Spill-proof drinking lid with carry handle*
K. Cooling stick*
L. Multi-chopper jar*
M. Multi-chopper blade*
N. Multi-chopper blade base*
O. Ice Crush
P. Smoothie function
Q. Pulse function
*Certain models only
Picture page 2-4
1 Before using your appliance for the rst time: Remove all packing material such as plastics, stickers or tags that
may be attached to the blender base, bowls or attachments.
Clean the appliance and accessories, see instructions: “Cleaning and Care”.
2 Prepare the ingredients: Rinse ingredients thoroughly. Cut the ingredients into 4 to 6 pieces and remove any
hard or large seeds. Remove any thick peel from the fruit or vegetables.
3 Place the Blender blade (E) on the top of the Blender blade base (F), and tighten the Mini jug (D) until it rmly
locks into position. Place the assembled jug on the Blender base (A) and rotate it clockwise until it locks into
position. (The jug can only be placed in one position). When locked, the symbol
on the jar should be aligned
with the symbol on the blender base. Put the ingredients in the jug. (Do not exceed the maximum level as
indicated on the jug.)
Caution! Always place the sealing ring around the Blender blade. Use only sealing rings provided by Electrolux!
4 Close the lid by aligning the lever on the lid with the handle of the jug. Insert the measuring cup.
(You can add ingredients through the ller hole. Never remove the measuring cup or the lid while running the
Caution! Never run the blender empty. When processing hot liquids, see step 5.
5 Processing hot liquids: We recommend to allow hot liquids to cool down (max 90 °C) before lling the jug.
Fill the jug only half full and start processing on low speed. The blender jug can become very warm – take care
to protect your hands and to ventilate steam out through the ller hole. Always replace the lid before use.
6 Start the blender: Plug into mains. Press the ON/OFF-button (C), the buttons will light up. Press the 1 (Low) or 2
(High) button, to select your desired processing speed.
7 Caution! Keep hands and utensils out of the blending jug while blending.
Caution! Never run the blender empty, running the blender empty can cause overheating and damage the
8 You have preset speeds (1, 2), dedicated recipe programs, and Pulse mode to choose from. The selected
speed or recipe program will light up. The blender will operate until the program is nished. To stop any program
manually, press any button.
9 With Pulse you can give the ingredients a quick mix to get to your desired consistency. Press the Pulse button
(Q) to go into Pulse mode. The Pulse and the speed buttons start blinking. Press 1 (Low) or 2 (high) to pulse at
dierent speeds.
10 The product comes with a variety of recipe programs. You can choose between Ice crush (O) and Smoothies (P).
The blender will stop automatically when the program is ready.
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Marcă Electrolux
Model E7CB1-6FGM
Categorie Blendere
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 10.92 MB

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Echipa noastră de asistență caută informații utile despre produs și răspunde la întrebările frecvente. Dacă descoperiți o inexactitate în întrebările frecvente, vă rugăm să ne anunțați utilizând formularul de contact.

Vreau să știu vârsta aparatului meu Electrolux. Cum să fac asta? Verificat

Puteți determina vârsta produsului dvs. utilizând numărul de serie. Acest lucru poate fi găsit pe dispozitivul dvs. Primul caracter al numărului de serie indică un an (adică: 1 = 2001), iar cele două caractere după aceea indică săptămâna producției (adică: 35 = săptămâna 35 din acel an). Deci, numărul de serie 13500016 indică faptul că aparatul este din săptămâna 35 a anului 2001.

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Poate și un blender să zdrobească gheața? Verificat

Majoritatea blenderului sunt capabili să zdrobească gheața. Acest lucru depinde de model și de cuțitul din blender. Verificați întotdeauna acest model pentru propriul dvs. model.

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Agenții de prelucrare a alimentelor pot prelucra de obicei alimentele în cuburi, felii și alte forme. Blenderele sunt potrivite în special pentru măcinarea și amestecarea alimentelor.

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Manual Electrolux E7CB1-6FGM Blender

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