Manual Electrolux EFL50555OW Hotă

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Caution! Closely follow the instructions
set out in this manual. All responsibility,
for any eventual inconveniences,
damages or fires caused by not
complying with the instructions in this
manual, is declined. The extractor hood
has been designed exclusively for
domestic use.
Caution! Do not connect the appliance
to the mains until the installation is fully
Before any cleaning or maintenance
operation, disconnect hood from
the mains by removing the plug or
disconnecting the mains electrical
Always wear work gloves for all installation
and maintenance operations. The
appliance is not intended for use by
children or persons with impaired physical,
sensorial or mental faculties, or if lacking
in experience or knowledge, unless they
are under supervision or have been
trained in the use of the appliance by a
person responsible for their safety. This
appliance is designed to be operated
by adults, children should be monitored
to ensure that they do not play with the
appliance. This appliance is designed to
be operated by adults. Children should not
be allowed to tamper with the controls or
play with the appliance. Never use the hood
without effectively mounted grating! The
hood must NEVER be used as a support
surface unless specifically indicated. The
premises where the appliance is nstalled
must be sufficiently ventilated, when the
kitchen hood is used together with other
gas combustion devices or other fuels. The
ducting system for this appliance must not
be connected to any existing ventilation
system which is being used for any other
purpose such as discharging exhaust
fumes from appliances burning gas or other
fuels. The flaming of foods beneath the
hood itself is severely prohibited. The use
of exposed flames is detrimental to the
filters and may cause a fire risk, and must
therefore be avoided in all circumstances.
Any frying must be done with care in order
to make sure that the oil does not overheat
and ignite.
Caution! Accessible parts of the hood
may became hot when used with
cooking appliance.
With regards to the technical and safety
measures to be adopted for fume
discharging it is important to closely follow
the regulations provided by the local
authorities. The hood must be regularly
cleaned on both the inside and outside (AT
This must be completed in accordance
with the maintenance instructions provided
in this manual). Failure to follow the
instructions provided in this user guide
regarding the cleaning of the hood and
filters will lead to the risk of fires. Do not
use or leave the hood without the lamp
correctly mounted due to the possible risk
of electric shocks. We will not accept any
responsibility for any faults, damage or fires
caused to the appliance as a result of the
non-observance of the instructions included
in this manual.
Warning! Failure to install the screws
or fixing device in accordance with
these instructions may result in
electrical hazards.
2. USE
The hood serves to aspirate the fumes and
vapors resulting from cooking.
The attached installation manual indicates
the version to be used depending on the
model you have, the suction version with
external evacuation or filtering with
internal recirculation .
The mains power supply must correspond
to the rating indicated on the plate situated
inside the hood. If provided with a plug
connect the hood to a socket in compliance
with current regulations and positioned in
an accessible area, after installation. If it not
fitted with a plug (direct mains connection)
or if the plug is not located in an accessible
area, after installation, apply a double
pole switch in accordance with standards
which assures the complete disconnection
of the mains under conditions relating to
over-current category III in accordance with
installation instructions.
Warning! Before re-connecting the
hood circuit to the mains supply and
checking the efficient function, always
check that the mains cable is correctly
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Marcă Electrolux
Model EFL50555OW
Categorie Hote
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 8.78 MB

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Întrebări frecvente despre Electrolux EFL50555OW Hotă

Echipa noastră de asistență caută informații utile despre produs și răspunde la întrebările frecvente. Dacă descoperiți o inexactitate în întrebările frecvente, vă rugăm să ne anunțați utilizând formularul de contact.

Câtă distanță ar trebui să existe între hota mea și plita mea? Verificat

Acest lucru poate funcționa puțin în funcție de marcă, dar, în general, o hota aragazului trebuie plasată la cel puțin 65 de centimetri deasupra unei plite cu gaz și la cel puțin 50 de centimetri deasupra unei plite electrice sau cu inducție. Aceasta este pentru a îmbunătăți siguranța la incendiu

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Vreau să știu vârsta aparatului meu Electrolux. Cum să fac asta? Verificat

Puteți determina vârsta produsului dvs. utilizând numărul de serie. Acest lucru poate fi găsit pe dispozitivul dvs. Primul caracter al numărului de serie indică un an (adică: 1 = 2001), iar cele două caractere după aceea indică săptămâna producției (adică: 35 = săptămâna 35 din acel an). Deci, numărul de serie 13500016 indică faptul că aparatul este din săptămâna 35 a anului 2001.

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Am nevoie de o hota cu sau fara motor? Verificat

Hote de bucătărie cu motor sunt destinate atunci când aerul este mutat direct în exterior. O hota fara motor este destinata atunci cand exista un sistem central de ventilatie. Nu conectați niciodată o hota cu motor la un sistem de ventilație centrală!

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Manual Electrolux EFL50555OW Hotă

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