Manual Elica Elle BL/F/80 Hotă

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EN - Instruction on mounting and use
Closely follow the instructions set out in this manual. All
responsibility, for any eventual inconveniences, damages or
fires caused by not complying with the instructions in this
manual, is declined. The hood is conceived for the suction of
cooking fumes and steam and is destined only for domestic
The hood can look different to that illustrated in the
drawings in this booklet. The instructions for use,
maintenance and installation, however, remain the same.
! It is important to conserve this booklet for consultation at
any moment. In the case of sale, cession or move, make
sure it is together with the product.
! Read the instructions carefully: there is important
information about installation, use and safety.
! Do not carry out electrical or mechanical variations on the
product or on the discharge conduits.
! Before proceeding with the installation of the appliance
verify that there are no damaged all components.
Otherwise contact your dealer and do not proceed with
the installation.
Note: the elements marked with the symbol “(*)” are optional
accessories supplied only with some models or elements to
purchase, not supplied.
WARNING! Do not connect the appliance to the mains until
the installation is fully complete.
Before any cleaning or maintenance operation, disconnect
hood from the mains by removing the plug or disconnecting
the mains electrical supply.
Always wear work gloves for all installation and maintenance
The appliance is not intended for use by children or persons
with impaired physical, sensorial or mental faculties, or if
lacking in experience or knowledge, unless they are under
supervision or have been trained in the use of the appliance
by a person responsible for their safety.
This appliance is designed to be operated by adults, children
should be monitored to ensure that they do not play with the
This appliance is designed to be operated by adults. Children
should not be allowed to tamper with the controls or play with
the appliance.
Never use the hood without effectively mounted grating!
The hood must NEVER be used as a support surface unless
specifically indicated.
The premises where the appliance is installed must be
sufficiently ventilated, when the kitchen hood is used together
with other gas combustion devices or other fuels.
The ducting system for this appliance must not be connected
to any existing ventilation system which is being used for any
other purpose such as discharging exhaust fumes from
appliances burning gas or other fuels.
The flaming of foods beneath the hood itself is severely
The use of exposed flames is detrimental to the filters and may
cause a fire risk, and must therefore be avoided in all
circumstances. Any frying must be done with care in order to
make sure that the oil does not overheat and ignite.
Accessible parts of the hood may became hot when used with
cooking appliance.
With regards to the technical and safety measures to be adopted
for fume discharging it is important to closely follow the regulations
provided by the local authorities.
The hood must be regularly cleaned on both the inside and outside
This must be completed in accordance with the maintenance
instructions provided in this manual). Failure to follow the
instructions provided in this user guide regarding the cleaning of
the hood and filters will lead to the risk of fires.
Do not use or leave the hood without the lamp correctly mounted
due to the possible risk of electric shocks.
We will not accept any responsibility for any faults, damage or fires
caused to the appliance as a result of the non-observance of the
instructions included in this manual.
This appliance is marked according to the European directive
2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
(WEEE). By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will
help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment
and human health, which could otherwise be caused by
inappropriate waste handling of this product.
The symbol
on the product, or on the documents
accompanying the product, indicates that this appliance may not
be treated as household waste. Instead it should be taken to the
appropriate collection point for the recycling of electrical and
electronic equipment. Disposal must be carried out in accordance
with local environmental regulations for waste disposal.
For further detailed information regarding the process, collection
and recycling of this product, please contact the appropriate
department of your local authorities or the local department for
household waste or the shop where you purchased this product.
Appliance designed, tested and manufactured according to:
• Safety: EN/IEC 60335-1; EN/IEC 60335-2-31, EN/IEC 62233.
• Performance: EN/IEC 61591; ISO 5167-1; ISO 5167-3; ISO
5168; EN/IEC 60704-1; EN/IEC 60704-2-13; ISO 3741; EN 50564;
IEC 62301.
• EMC: EN 55014-1; CISPR 14-1; EN 55014-2; CISPR 14-2;
EN/IEC 61000-3-2; EN/IEC 61000-3-3. Suggestions for a correct
use in order to reduce the environmental impact: Switch ON the
hood at minimum speed when you start cooking and kept it
running for few minutes after cooking is finished. Increase the
speed only in case of large amount of smoke and vapour and use
boost speed(s) only in extreme situations. Replace the charcoal
filter(s) when necessary to maintain a good odour reduction
efficiency. Clean the grease filter(s) when necessary to maintain a
good grease filter efficiency. Use the maximum diameter of the
ducting system indicated in this manual to optimize efficiency and
minimize noise.
Descărcaţi manualul în limba română (PDF, 5.4 MB)
(Protejați mediul înconjurător și imprimați acest manual numai dacă este neapărată nevoie)



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Model Elle BL/F/80
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Întrebări frecvente despre Elica Elle BL/F/80 Hotă

Echipa noastră de asistență caută informații utile despre produs și răspunde la întrebările frecvente. Dacă descoperiți o inexactitate în întrebările frecvente, vă rugăm să ne anunțați utilizând formularul de contact.

Câtă distanță ar trebui să existe între hota mea și plita mea? Verificat

Acest lucru poate funcționa puțin în funcție de marcă, dar, în general, o hota aragazului trebuie plasată la cel puțin 65 de centimetri deasupra unei plite cu gaz și la cel puțin 50 de centimetri deasupra unei plite electrice sau cu inducție. Aceasta este pentru a îmbunătăți siguranța la incendiu

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Am nevoie de o hota cu sau fara motor? Verificat

Hote de bucătărie cu motor sunt destinate atunci când aerul este mutat direct în exterior. O hota fara motor este destinata atunci cand exista un sistem central de ventilatie. Nu conectați niciodată o hota cu motor la un sistem de ventilație centrală!

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Cât de des ar trebui să înlocuiesc filtrul de cărbune din hota mea Elica? Verificat

Filtrul de cărbune se blochează de-a lungul timpului, de exemplu, grăsimea de la gătit. Pentru a asigura rezultate optime, Elica recomandă înlocuirea filtrului de cărbune la fiecare 3 luni.

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Manual Elica Elle BL/F/80 Hotă

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