Manual Fellowes L80 A4 Laminator

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‘Release’ function
To remove or re-align a pouch during lamina-
tion, activate the release lever located on the
back of the machine. The pouch can only be
removed from the entry slot when the lever
is activated.
Auto Shut Off
After 30 minutes the machine will automati-
cally go in to Auto Shut Off mode. The Power
LED will flash red for 5 minutes and then turn
off. The ready LED will turn off. To continue
using the machine press the ON/OFF switch.
The machine will reset itself.
• For best results, use Fellowes ® brand pouches:
80 - 125 micron.
• This machine does not need a carrier to laminate. It is a
carrier-free mechanism.
• Always put the item to be laminated into the appropriate
sized pouch.
• Always test laminate with a similar size and thickness
before final process.
• Prepare pouch and item for lamination. Place item
within pouch centred and touching the leading sealed
edge. Ensure the pouch is not too large for the item.
• If required, trim excess material from around the item
after lamination and cooling.
Ensure the machine is on a stable surface.
Check there is enough clear space (min 50cm) behind the
machine to allow items to pass through freely.
Plug the machine into an easily accessible mains socket.
Switch the power on (located at the side of the machine).
The red ‘Power on’ lamp will light up. The machine is now
heating up.
When the machine is ready, the green ‘Ready’ lamp will
remain on.
Place the document into the open pouch. Ensure the
document is centred against the sealed edge. Use the
appropriate pouch size for the document.
Ensure the pouch enters the machine sealed edge first.
Keep the pouch straight and central within the slot, not on
an angle. Use the entry markings as a guide.
Upon exit, the laminated pouch may be hot and soft. To
prevent jamming remove the pouch immediately. Place
pouch on to a flat surface to cool. Take care when handling
a hot pouch.
To release a pouch during lamination, activate the release
lever located on the back of the machine. Gently pull pouch
out of machine.
Let our experts help you with a solution.
Customer Service...
Always call Fellowes before contacting your place of purchase, see the rear cover for contact details.
Consider registering your machine at to receive updates and additional information.
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Cheryl Chishiolm 10-02-2022
Trebuia să laminez 10 hârtie x A4 acum s-a blocat și nu găsesc suportul de eliberare. Te rog asista

răspuns | A fost util (1) (Tradus de Google)

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Înțelegem că este plăcut să aveți un manual pe hârtie pentru Fellowes L80 A4 Laminator. Puteți oricând descărca manualul de pe site-ul nostru web și îl puteți imprima singur. Dacă doriți să aveți un manual original, vă recomandăm să contactați Fellowes. S-ar putea să ofere un manual original. Căutați manualul dvs. Fellowes L80 A4 Laminator într-o altă limbă? Alegeți limba preferată pe pagina noastră de pornire și căutați numărul de model pentru a vedea dacă îl avem disponibil.


Marcă Fellowes
Model L80 A4
Categorie Laminatoare
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 1.38 MB

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