Manual First Austria FA-5082-2 Plită

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b) The right hot-plate with a heating surface of 155mm dia. and a wattage of
c) Total power consumtion: 2500 watts.
 
 
 
to max. 500°C.
In order to remove the invisible protective foil from the hot-plate, you must heat up
the hot-plate without a saucepan on it for about five minutes at max. heat. You need
not be worried about the slight development of fumes and smoke. While heating up
for the first time air the room thoroughly.
Cooking utensils: principally you should only use saucepans and frying-pans
designed for electric cookers with an appropriate diameter. If the surfaces of the
pans are uneven ot too small proper functioning cannot be guaranteed and energy
is wasted.
The incorporated control regulates the temperature of the hot plate by switching it on
and off within short intervals.
Adhere to the following approximate values for achieving the desired temperature:
  
  
  
The automatic hot-plate has the following advantages over conventional hot-plates:
it can be heated up with maximum energy and keeps the desired temperature with
minimum energy without being readjusted. Furthermore, overheating of the hot-plate
can thus be prevented.
Wipe the surface of the hot-plate when cold with a damp cloth. Do not use abrasives.
Do not dip the appliance into water.
Do not simply throw the packaging material or old appliances away, but hand them
in to recycling services. Ask your local authorities or the appropriate local agency for
further details concerning recycling.
The safety of electrical appliances from FIRST Austria complies with the recognized
technical directives and legal regulations for safety. Nevertheless, you and the other
users of the appliance should observe the following:
 
time and keep them for further reference.
 
on nameplate (grounding outlet).
 
from the wall should be at least 5cm. The area above the appliance should be
kept free to allow an unobstructed air-circulation. Never place the appliance or
supply cable on hot surfaces. Nor should the appliance be placed or operated in
the vicinity of exposed gas flames.
 
 
any of the hot parts.
 
fries) should therefore always be prepared under supervision.
        
should be under supervision. Nor should it be under supervision. Nor should it be
the appliance to cool down fully before cleaning and storing away.
              
 
 
appliances. Therefore they should only be allowed to use electrical appliances only
under supervision. Special care should be taken in the presence of children.
 Do not pull at the mains cable for disconnecting appliance from the mains supply.
 
 
purposes other than originally intended or if it is used inappropriately.
 
dia. and a wattage of 2000 watts. The hot plate is connected to a thermostat and
an indicator lamp.
 
 
to max. 500°C.
 
a) The left hot-plate with a heating surface of 185mm dia. and a wattage of
1500 watts.
M_5082-2_83-2_v04.indd 2-3 9/19/12 1:30 PM
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Echipa noastră de asistență caută informații utile despre produs și răspunde la întrebările frecvente. Dacă descoperiți o inexactitate în întrebările frecvente, vă rugăm să ne anunțați utilizând formularul de contact.

Ce tigăi pot fi utilizate pe o plită cu inducție? Verificat

În general, toate tigăile magnetice pot fi utilizate pe o plită cu inducție. Aproape toate tigaile noi sunt potrivite pentru inducție.

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Plita mea are o priză care nu se potrivește cu o priză obișnuită, ce ar trebui să fac? Verificat

Multe plite electrice (atât ceramice, cât și cu inducție) au o fișă diferită. Acest lucru se datorează faptului că aceste aparate necesită multă energie. Instalați aparatul de către un profesionist.

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De ce aprinderea din gama mea scoate un clic? Verificat

Dacă gama a fost curățată cu multă apă, butoanele s-ar fi putut uda, declanșând contactul. Lăsați butoanele să se usuce. Dacă problema persistă, trebuie să contactați producătorul.

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Manual First Austria FA-5082-2 Plită

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