Manual Gorenje TH64E4BG Hotă

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Use the high suction speed in cases of concentrated kitchen vapours. It is recommended that the cooker hood is switched on
for 5 minutes prior to cooking and left in operation during cooking and for approximately another 15 minutes after terminating
cooking. Below described three types of operation.
1. 0 – Turn off the hood.
I – hood operating on speed level 1.
↓– shift to enable motor speed II or motor speed III.
2. II – hood operating on speed level 2 (when switch 1 in position ↓) .
III – hood operating on speed level 3 (when switch 1 in position ↓).
3. O / – Light ON / OFF.
The button labeled as is used to turn the light ON or OFF. The lighting in the hood works independently of the hood engine.
Pressing the will not trigger the hood motor.
When the front panel is returned to the closed position, the limit switch turns off the hood motor and also turns off the light.
If the hood motor and light switch are already in ON state, the hood motor will start operating and the lights will turn on, when
the front panel is pulled out.
– Hood operation ON / OFF. When pressing the button, the hood will start to operate on
speed level 1.
– Press the Speed 2 button to start the motor with speed 2.
– Press the Speed 3 button to start the motor with speed 3.
– Light button to switch the light ON. Press again to switch the light OFF.
The hood operation is controlled by (three) switches, which are located on each side. They are visible when the telescopic
front is ejected.
The telescopic hood is equipped with a limit switch. Every time you eject the telescopic front, the hood will start operating on
the previously set gear.
Press the On/Off button to start selecting the motor speeds.
– Press the Speed 1 button to start the motor with speed 1.
– Press the Speed 2 button to start the motor with speed 2.
– Press the Speed 3 button to start the motor with speed 3.
– Press the Light button to switch the light ON. Press again to switch the light OFF.
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Marcă Gorenje
Model TH64E4BG
Categorie Hote
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Mărime fișier 3.15 MB

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Câtă distanță ar trebui să existe între hota mea și plita mea? Verificat

Acest lucru poate funcționa puțin în funcție de marcă, dar, în general, o hota aragazului trebuie plasată la cel puțin 65 de centimetri deasupra unei plite cu gaz și la cel puțin 50 de centimetri deasupra unei plite electrice sau cu inducție. Aceasta este pentru a îmbunătăți siguranța la incendiu

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Am nevoie de o hota cu sau fara motor? Verificat

Hote de bucătărie cu motor sunt destinate atunci când aerul este mutat direct în exterior. O hota fara motor este destinata atunci cand exista un sistem central de ventilatie. Nu conectați niciodată o hota cu motor la un sistem de ventilație centrală!

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Manual Gorenje TH64E4BG Hotă

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