Manual Gorenje TH64E4BG Hotă

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One active charcoal filter is needed for this and can be obtained from your usual retailer.
The filter removes the grease and smells from the extracted air before sending it back into the room through the upper outlet
Very heavy product; hood handling and installation must be carried out by at least two persons. Before beginning installation:
Use a duct of the minimum indispensible length.
Use a duct with as few elbows as possible (maximum elbow angle: 90°).
Avoid drastic changes in the duct cross-section.
Use a duct as smooth as possible inside.
The duct must be made of certified material.
The minimum distance between the supporting surface for the cooking equipment on the hob and the lowest part of the
range hood must be not less than 50cm from electric cookers and 65cm from gas or mixed cookers.
If the instructions for installation for the gas hob specify a greater distance, this must be adhered to.
The mains power supply must correspond to the rating indicated on the plate situated inside the hood. If provided with a plug
connect the hood to a socket in compliance with current regulations and positioned in an accessible area, after installation. If
it not fitted with a plug (direct mains connection) or if the plug is not located in an accessible area, after installation, apply a
double pole switch in accordance with standards which assures the complete disconnection of the mains under conditions
relating to over-current category III, in accordance with installation instructions.
Warning! Before re-connecting the hood circuit to the mains supply and checking the efficient function, always check that the
mains cable is correctly assembled.
The hood is provided with a special power cable ; if the cable is damaged, request a new one from Technical Service.
Check that the product purchased is of a suitable size for the chosen installation area.
Remove the charcoal (*) filter/s if supplied (see also relative paragraph). This/these is/are to be mounted only if you
want to use the hood in the filtering version.
Check (for transport reasons) that there is no other supplied material inside the hood (e.g. packets with screws (*),
guarantees (*), etc.), eventually removing them and keeping them.
If possible, disconnect and move freestanding or slide-in range from cabinet opening to provide easier access to rear
wall/ceiling. Otherwise put a thick, protective covering over countertop, cooktop or range to protect from damage and
debris. Select a flat surface for assembling the unit. Cover that surface with a protective covering and place all canopy
hood parts and hardware in it.
In addition check whether near the installation area of the hood (in the area accessible also with the hood mounted) an
electric socket is available and it is possible to connect a fumes discharge device to the outside (only suction version).
Carry out all the masonry work necessary (e.g. installation of an electric socket and/or a hole for the passage of the
discharge tube).
Expansion wall plugs are provided to secure the hood to most types of walls/ceilings. However, a qualified technician must
verify suitability of the materials in accordance with the type of wall/ceiling. The wall/ceiling must be strong enough to take
the weight of the hood. Do not tile, grout or silicone this appliance to the wall. Surface mounting only.
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Marcă Gorenje
Model TH64E4BG
Categorie Hote
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Mărime fișier 3.15 MB

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Câtă distanță ar trebui să existe între hota mea și plita mea? Verificat

Acest lucru poate funcționa puțin în funcție de marcă, dar, în general, o hota aragazului trebuie plasată la cel puțin 65 de centimetri deasupra unei plite cu gaz și la cel puțin 50 de centimetri deasupra unei plite electrice sau cu inducție. Aceasta este pentru a îmbunătăți siguranța la incendiu

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Am nevoie de o hota cu sau fara motor? Verificat

Hote de bucătărie cu motor sunt destinate atunci când aerul este mutat direct în exterior. O hota fara motor este destinata atunci cand exista un sistem central de ventilatie. Nu conectați niciodată o hota cu motor la un sistem de ventilație centrală!

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Manual Gorenje TH64E4BG Hotă

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