Manual Hikoki NT 1865DBAL Pistol de cuie

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1. Make sure that swarf and dust do not collect on the
During work make sure that swarf and dust do not fall on
the battery.
Make sure that any swarf and dust falling on the power
tool during work do not collect on the battery.
Do not store an unused battery in a location exposed to
swarf and dust.
Before storing a battery, remove any swarf and dust that
may adhere to it and do not store it together with metal
parts (screws, nails, etc.).
2. Do not pierce battery with a sharp object such as a
nail, strike with a hammer, step on, throw or subject the
battery to severe physical shock.
3. Do not use an apparently damaged or deformed battery.
4. Do not use the battery in reverse polarity.
5. Do not connect directly to an electrical outlets or car
cigarette lighter sockets.
6. Do not use the battery for a purpose other than those
speci ed.
7. If the battery charging fails to complete even when a
speci ed recharging time has elapsed, immediately stop
further recharging.
8. Do not put or subject the battery to high temperatures or
high pressure such as into a microwave oven, dryer, or
high pressure container.
9. Keep away from re immediately when leakage or foul
odor are detected.
10. Do not use in a location where strong static electricity
11. If there is battery leakage, foul odor, heat generated,
discolored or deformed, or in any way appears abnormal
during use, recharging or storage, immediately remove it
from the equipment or battery charger, and stop use.
12. Do not immerse the battery or allow any uids to ow
inside. Conductive liquid ingress, such as water, can
cause damage resulting in re or explosion. Store your
battery in a cool, dry place, away from combustible and
ammable items. Corrosive gas atmospheres must be
1. If liquid leaking from the battery gets into your eyes,
do not rub your eyes and wash them well with fresh
clean water such as tap water and contact a doctor
If left untreated, the liquid may cause eye-problems.
2. If liquid leaks onto your skin or clothes, wash well with
clean water such as tap water immediately.
There is a possibility that this can cause skin irritation.
3. If you nd rust, foul odor, overheating, discolor,
deformation, and/or other irregularities when using the
battery for the rst time, do not use and return it to your
supplier or vendor.
If a conductive foreign matter enters in the terminal of lithium
ion battery, the battery may be shorted, causing re. When
storing the lithium ion battery, obey surely the rules of
following contents.
Do not place conductive debris, nail and wires such as
iron wire and copper wire in the storage case.
To prevent shorting from occurring, load the battery in
the tool or insert securely the battery cover for storing
until the ventilator is not seen.
When transporting a lithium-ion battery, please observe the
following precautions.
Notify the transporting company that a package contains a
lithium-ion battery, inform the company of its power output
and follow the instructions of the transportation company
when arranging transport.
Lithium-ion batteries that exceed a power output of
100Wh are considered to be in the freight classi cation
of Dangerous Goods and will require special application
For transportation abroad, you must comply with
international law and the rules and regulations of the
destination country.
Power Output
2 to 3 digit number
NAMES OF PARTS (Fig. 1 – Fig. 28)
Top cover
LED light
Firing head (outlet)
Push lever
Nail feeder (A)
Nail feeder (B)
Switch lock lever
Stop lever
Battery indicator switch
Battery indicator
Nailing operation switch
Power indicator
Power switch
Nailing operation indicator
Nail strip
Magazine cover
Blade guide
0000BookNT1865DBAL.indb50000BookNT1865DBAL.indb5 2019/03/2511:25:312019/03/2511:25:31
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Marcă Hikoki
Model NT 1865DBAL
Categorie Pistoale de cuie
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 33.02 MB

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Echipa noastră de asistență caută informații utile despre produs și răspunde la întrebările frecvente. Dacă descoperiți o inexactitate în întrebările frecvente, vă rugăm să ne anunțați utilizând formularul de contact.

Pot depozita sculele electrice într-o magazie sau garaj? Verificat

În general, puteți depozita sculele electrice într-o magazie sau garaj, chiar dacă uneori îngheață acolo. Cu toate acestea, este mai bine pentru durata de viață a sculei electrice să o depozitați într-un loc uscat, fără fluctuații majore de temperatură. Într-o șopronă sau garaj, diferențele de temperatură pot provoca formarea de condens, care poate provoca rugina. În plus, uneltele care funcționează cu baterii durează mai puțin și nu se încarcă la fel de bine la temperaturi foarte scăzute. Pentru a fi sigur cum trebuie depozitată unealta electrică, citiți întotdeauna cu atenție manualul de utilizare.

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