Manual Miomare IAN 281840 Robinet

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ensure that no parts are damaged and that
all parts are correctly assembled. Incorrect
assembly could lead to injury. Please note
that seals are wear parts and therefore will
require to be replaced from time to time.
Damaged parts could adversely affect safety
and proper function.
PROPERTY! Have the installation done by
experienced persons only. Leaks or escape
of water can lead to serious damage to
buildings or household fittings and furniture.
Check all connections for leaks carefully.
Ensure that all seals are correctly seated to
prevent leakage of water.
The spout can be swiveled to your desired
position. Make sure the spout is always
positioned within the area of the sink,
otherwise escape of water can lead to
serious flooding to your house or building.
When making the hot water setting please
ensure that the temperature of the water is
not too high.
Before installation, make yourself familiar
with all the existing services, e.g. water
connection and stopcocks.
Please read carefully through these operating
instructions before installing and using
the product. Keep all the safety advice
and instructions in a safe place for future
§ Installation
§ Installing the tap
Turn off the main water supply to prevent
serious leakage of water. Allow any
remaining water in the pipework to drain.
Install the tap as shown in Figs. A and B.
m CAUTION! Do not bend the hoses or place
them under tension. Otherwise material
damage could result.
§ Flushing the tap
The tap must be flushed through before first
use to remove any dirt. To do this, follow
these steps (see Fig. C):
Screw the aerator
Open the main water supply and allow the
water to run for two minutes.
Then screw the aerator
on again.
§ Operation
§ Bringing into use
Note: If the fitting has not been used for a long
period flush the pipes through thoroughly in order
to avoid stagnation and build-up of residues in
the drinking water supply.
Open the main water supply.
Lift the adjusting lever
and swing it to the
right or left in order to regulate the speed or
temperature of the water flow.
Press the shower button
to set the spray
Press the aerator button
to set to normal
spray jet operation.
Check operation of the mixer. For this
purpose move the lever
in all possible
positions. Please regularly check all
connections to ensure that they are tight.
§ Setting the temperature limiter
The cartridge
in this unit has a temperature
limiter. This function is not activated in the factory
(neutral setting).
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Marcă Miomare
Model IAN 281840
Categorie Robinete
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Mărime fișier 0.91 MB

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Apa de la robinet se va face doar călduță, ce pot face? Verificat

Presupunând că nu există nicio problemă cu alimentarea cu apă caldă, s-ar putea să existe acumulări de minerale în robinet. Acest lucru poate obstrucționa reglarea temperaturii. De asemenea, este posibil ca mecanismul din interiorul robinetului să se rupă. În acest caz, va trebui probabil să fie înlocuit.

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