Manual Panasonic EH-1771 Ondulator

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The shaded areas become
hot. Do not touch these parts
when the curling iron is turned
and the press plate do not touch your skin.
Always take a strand of hair with the press plate opened to avoid
Do not leave the curling iron unattended while the power is on.
Only use the curling iron for curling human hair. Do not use it for
Styling will hold for 1 day only. Hair will return to its normal
condition after shampoo.
Not suitable for those with extremely fizzled or curly hair.
The effects of ions might not be felt by the following people.
People with crimpy hair, strong curly hair, very smooth hair, short
hair, or who have had a hair straightening perm in the last three
or four months.
You may notice a characteristic odor when using this curling iron.
This is caused by the ozone it generates and is not harmful to
the human body.
Parts Identification
On/off switch
0: off
1: low
2: high
Swivel connector
Power cord
Power indication
Negative ion nozzle
Press plate
Hair band to prevent burns
Safety Instructions
Please read the safety instructions before using this curling iron.
The safety instructions explained here help you to use this curling
iron safely and correctly and also to prevent you from injuring
yourself or others.
WARNING: Not following the instructions below may cause
fire, burns, explosion, short circuiting or electric
Electrical Conditions
WARNING: This symbol on the curling iron means “Do not use
this curling iron near water”. Do not use this
curling iron near bathtubs, showers, basins or
other vessels containing water.
Unplug the power cord from the power outlet when not in use.
Do not cut, damage or modify the power cord. Do not pull, twist
or bend the power cord with unnecessary force. Do not place
heavy objects on the power cord or allow it to get pinched in
between objects.
Do not use the power cord or plug when it is damaged, hot or not
fully inserted into the power outlet.
- Failure to do so may lead to fire and/or an accident.
Do not block or put foreign objects into the negative ion nozzle.
Do not use the curling iron near inflammable material such as
benzine, paint thinner, sprays etc.
Keep the curling iron out of the reach of children.
Do not use or place the curling iron in a bathroom or area with
high humidity.
Do not attempt to repair, disassemble or modify the curling iron
by yourself. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by
an authorized service center in order to avoid hazard.
If the curling iron is not working properly, stop using it
immediately and contact an authorized service center.
Do not use the curling iron while your hands are wet.
Use the appliance in front of a mirror to ensure that the barrel
EH1771_EU.indb 2 2006/10/03 9:59:15
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Marcă Panasonic
Model EH-1771
Categorie Ondulatoare
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 30.23 MB

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Este mai bine să nu faceți acest lucru, deoarece poate deteriora cablul. Cel mai bun lucru de făcut este să înfășurați cablul așa cum era atunci când produsul a fost ambalat.

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Manual Panasonic EH-1771 Ondulator

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