Manual Philips HP3631 InfraCare Lampă infraroșie

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The appliance is equipped with an automatic protection against overheating. If the appliance is
insufciently cooled (e.g. because the cooling vents are covered), the appliance switches off
automatically. Unplug the appliance and remove the cause of overheating. Once the appliance
has cooled down, it can be switched on again. To do so, plug the appliance in again and press the
on/off switch.
Let the appliance cool down for approx. 15 minutes before you clean or store it.
If you have just been swimming or have just taken a shower, make sure you dry your skin
properly before you use this appliance.
To prevent eye damage, do not look into the light of the lamp when it is on. Keep your eyes
The lter and the parts directly around it become very hot when the appliance is switched on.
Do not touch them.
Never use the appliance when the lter is damaged, broken or missing.
Avoid too intense cooling of the body part immediately after treatment.
Do not fall asleep during treatment.
Painkillers reduce the sensitivity to heat. Do not use this appliance when you are on painkillers
without having consulted your doctor rst.
If you suffer from a severe disease (e.g. diabetes, heart disease, acute inammatory diseases,
multiple sclerosis, thrombosis, blood coagulation disorders) consult your doctor before use.
As a general rule, if you cannot stand a hot bath, do not use this appliance. If in doubt, consult
your doctor.
If you are oversensitive or insensitive to infrared light, be extra careful when you use this
appliance. If in doubt, consult your doctor.
Do not use the appliance if you have a swelling or an inammation, as heat could aggravate the
complaints. If in doubt, consult your doctor.
If there is no improvement after 6-8 treatments, stop using the appliance and consult your
To prevent overheating of the skin, avoid very short treatment distances.
This Philips appliance complies with all standards regarding electromagnetic elds (EMF). If handled
properly and according to the instructions in this user manual, the appliance is safe to use based on
scientic evidence available today.
The InfraCare produces infrared light, which penetrates deeply into the skin and warms the tissues.
Warmth modulates the neuronal signals to the brain and in this way reduces pain. Warming
stimulates the blood circulation and dilates the blood vessels, which accelerates the transport of
substances necessary to rebuild and nourish the body’s tissues. Infrared light also speeds up the
metabolic process and the removal of waste substances from the body. Because it makes tissues
more pliable, warmth also reduces stiffness and makes joints more exible.
Because of these effects, treatment with the InfraCare can relieve pain due to muscular and joint
The InfraCare is a local heat therapy appliance.
Possible applications:
Treatment for occasional or chronic muscle pains, stiff muscles and stiff joints
Treatment of lower-back ache (lumbago)
Treatment of chilblains
Preparation for another treatment such as a massage
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Marcă Philips
Model HP3631 InfraCare
Categorie Lămpi infraroșii
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 1.3 MB

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Îmi pot arde pielea când folosesc o lampă cu infraroșu? Verificat

Nu, o lampă cu infraroșu nu colorează pielea și nici nu o arde.

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Pot folosi o lampă cu infraroșu dacă am alergii cutanate? Verificat

În cazul alergiilor cutanate, cel mai bine este să solicitați sfatul medicului înainte de a aplica orice formă de terapie cu lumină.

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Manual Philips HP3631 InfraCare Lampă infraroșie

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