Manual Philips HR7772 Robot de bucătărie

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You can use the kneading accessory to knead yeast dough for bread and
The standard processing time for all kneading jobs is 30-180 seconds.
1 Put the tool holder in the bowl (Fig. 9).
2 Put the kneading accessory on the tool holder. (Fig. 15)
Note: Always put the tool holder with the kneading accessory in the bowl
before you add the ingredients.
3 Put the ingredients in the bowl (Fig. 16).
4 Put the lid on the bowl (1). Turn the lid clockwise (2) to fix it
(‘click) (Fig. 17).
5 Put the pusher in the feeding tube.
6 Select the speed that corresponds with the colour of the
accessory (Fig. 13).
7 When you have finished processing, turn the speed selector to 0
and unplug the appliance (Fig. 4).
Never process hard ingredients like ice cubes with the discs.
The cutting edges of the discs are very sharp. Do not touch them.
1 Put the tool holder in the bowl (Fig. 9).
2 Place the desired disc (slicing or shredding disc) on the tool
holder (Fig. 18)
3 Put the lid on the bowl (1). Turn the lid clockwise (2) to fix it
(‘click’) (Fig. 19).
4 Put the ingredients in the feeding tube. (Fig. 20)
- Pre-cut large ingredients into chunks that fit in the feeding tube.
- Fill the feeding tube evenly for the best results.
- When you have to process a large amount of ingredients,
process small batches and empty the bowl between batches.
- If the ingredients you are going to shred or slice have a small
diameter, put the outer pusher in the feeding tube to make the
feeding tube smaller. Then use the inner pusher to push the
ingredients down the feeding tube.
5 Select the speed that corresponds with the colour of the
accessory (Fig. 13).
6 Press the pusher lightly onto the ingredients in the feeding tube.
7 When you have finished processing, turn the speed selector to 0
and unplug the appliance (Fig. 4).
- When you shred or granulate soft ingredients, use a low speed to
prevent the ingredients from turning into puree.
- Do not let the appliance run too long when you shred (hard) cheese.
If you do, the cheese becomes too hot, starts to melt and turns
- Do not use the discs to process chocolate. Only use the blade
unit for this purpose.
Emulsifying disc (HR7771 only)
You can use the emulsifying disc to whip cream and to whisk eggs, egg
whites, instant pudding, mayonnaise and sponge cake mixtures.
1 Put the tool holder in the bowl (Fig. 9).
2 Place the emulsifying disc on the tool holder (Fig. 21).
3 Put the ingredients in the bowl. (Fig. 22)
4 Put the lid on the bowl (1). Turn the lid clockwise (2) to fix it
(‘click’) (Fig. 23).
Put the pusher in the feeding tube.
5 Select the speed that corresponds with the colour of the
accessory (Fig. 24).
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Mohamed 13-10-2023

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Marcă Philips
Model HR7772
Categorie Robote de bucătărie
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Mărime fișier 4 MB

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Care este diferența dintre un robot de bucătărie și un blender? Verificat

Agenții de prelucrare a alimentelor pot prelucra de obicei alimentele în cuburi, felii și alte forme. Blenderele sunt potrivite în special pentru măcinarea și amestecarea alimentelor.

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Manual Philips HR7772 Robot de bucătărie

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