Manual Remington HC7110 ProPower Aparat de tuns

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STEP 3 – Side of the head
With the comb set at 3mm or 6mm, trim sideburns. Then change to the longer 9mm
guide comb and continue to cut the top of the head.
STEP 4 – Top of the head
Use the longer length comb attachment and set it to 24mm or 27mm then cut hair on
top of the head against the direction in which the hair normally grows.
For longer hair on top, use the longer length comb attachment (24 – 44mm) to achieve
the desired style.
Always work from the back of the head.
STEP 5 – The nishing touches
Use the clipper without an attachment comb for close trimming around the base and
sides of the neck.
To produce a clean straight line at the sideburns, reverse the hair clipper.
Place the reversed clipper at right angles to the head, tips of the blades lightly touching
the skin and then work downwards.
Your clipper is tted with high quality blades.
To ensure long lasting performance of your clipper, clean the blades and unit regularly.
Always keep the attachment guide comb on the trimmer blade.
Ensure the appliance is switched o and unplugged from the mains before cleaning.
• Brush the accumulated hair from the blades and body of the clipper. Do not submerge
the clipper in water.
To clean unit, wipe with a damp cloth and dry immediately.
Place a few drops of cutter or sewing machine oil onto the blades. Wipe o excess oil.
Remove the 2 screws retaining the xed blade with a screwdriver.
Remove the blade set.
Brush out hairs from between the blades with a soft cleaning brush. Do not remove the
lubricating grease from the blades. It is not necessary to remove the small moving blade
from the unit.
If the moving blade has been removed this can be re-tted by slotting the moving
blade holder over the pin in the centre of the interior product head.
The groove on the moving blade just below the teeth should rest on the plastic pressure
arm which rides inside the groove. The xed blade should be assembled with the
bevelled edge of the 2 screw holes facing outward and xed with screws.
Note that if the blades are not correctly aligned then cutting eciency will be impaired.
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Jan Kowalski 06-11-2020
Nu am gasit in manual cum sa scot capetele cu cutite pentru a curata sub el. Există doar modele similare în videoclipuri, iar în HC7110 nu există o descriere a modului și cu ce forță să-l scoateți.

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Marcă Remington
Model HC7110 ProPower
Categorie Aparate de tuns
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 1.62 MB

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Ce înseamnă dimensiunile tunsorului? Verificat

Dimensiunile tăietorului indică, în general, cantitatea de păr care va rămâne după tăiere. Cu cât numărul este mai mare, cu atât tunsoarea este mai lungă.

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Pot folosi o tunsă pe părul ud? Verificat

Nu folosiți niciodată o mașină de tuns pe părul ud. Tunsorul de păr se poate bloca și poate provoca durere. Apa poate provoca ruginirea lamei tunsorului.

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Manual Remington HC7110 ProPower Aparat de tuns

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