Manual Remington MB5000 Trimmer de barba

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5. Place the at top of the trimmer comb against the skin.
6. Slowly slide through the hair. Repeat from dierent directions as necessary.
7. If hair builds up in the trimmer comb during the trimming process, switch the unit o,
pull the comb and brush the hair o.
Note: Use the beard trimmer without the adjustable comb for trimming hair close to the
skin. This will trim hair to 1mm, holding the blades perpendicular to the skin will trim hair to
0.4 mm.
Note: you will need a hand mirror for this operation if performing it alone.
1. Remove the adjustable comb.
2. Use your ngers to lift the hair at the base of your head up o the neck. Your index
nger should be covering the roots of the hairs you are lifting to prevent accidental
removal by the beard trimmer.
3. Using your other hand, hold the trimmer to the base of your neck with the cutting unit
facing up and move the trimmer up the length of the neck until it touches your nger
covering the hair roots at the base of your head.
4. Be sure to move the unit slowly when performing this operation and to keep the roots
at the base of your head out of the way of the trimmer.
1. Hold the trimmer with the trimmer blade facing you.
2. Start with the edge of beard/moustache line and gently lower the trimmer blade onto
your skin.
3. Use motions towards the edge of the beard/moustache line to trim to desired locations
in facial area and away from beard in neck area.
Ensure the trimmer is switched o.
Remove the adjustable comb.
Remove the blades by pushing your thumb upwards under the blades and move the
blade set away from the trimmer body.
To reattach the blades, align the back of the blades with the back housing at the top of
the trimmer and push down until the blade set clicks into place.
Beard, moustache and sideburn hairs should be dry.
Avoid using lotions before use.
Comb your hair in the direction that it grows.
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Marcă Remington
Model MB5000
Categorie Trimmere de barba
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 1.32 MB

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Pot folosi și un aparat de tuns barba și pentru alte fire de păr? Verificat

Aparatele de tuns barba au lame mai subțiri decât tăietoarele de păr, făcându-le mai potrivite pentru părul scurt. Aparatele de tuns sunt special concepute pentru a tăia părul scalpului.

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