Manual Rowenta PU3080F0 Pure Air Genius Purificator de aer

Ai nevoie de un manual pentru Rowenta PU3080F0 Pure Air Genius Purificator de aer? Mai jos puteți vizualiza și descărca manualul PDF gratuit în limba română. Acest produs are în prezent 1 întrebare frecventă, 0 comentarii și are 0 voturi. Dacă acesta nu este manualul dorit, vă rugăm să ne contactați.

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The warranty will be voided if damage occurs due to incorrect use.
Do not operate this appliance in a very dusty and/or humid place or in a location with re hazards.
Before use, always make sure that the appliance, plug and power cord are in good condition.
Never insert objects into the appliance (e.g. needles, etc.).
Do not pull on the power cord or the appliance, even to unplug it from the wall power outlet.
Unroll the full length of the cord before use.
Do not cover the air inlets or the outlet grid.
Do not touch the appliance with wet hands.
Never allow any liquid to enter the appliance.
Never use the appliance in a humid place.
Never use the appliance close to a heat source.
Do not use the appliance close to ammable objects or products (curtains, aerosols, solvents, etc.).
Never use the appliance in an inclined or horizontal position. Place the appliance on a at, stable surface.
In the case of prolonged absence: switch the appliance o using the on/o button
(1) and unplug it.
Switch o and unplug your appliance before moving it.
Unplug the air purier during assembly and cleaning.
Rowenta Pure Air Genius enables you to breathe pure air in your home and protects your health with up to 4 filtration
levels as described below. Each level is essential and traps specific pollutants :
2in1 Active Carbon &
Allergy+ filter
Unpleasant odors
Chemical pollutants
Volatile Organic
Compounds (VOC)
Allergen and Pollen
Dust mite
Germs and Molds
Bacteria and Viruses
Pre filter
Pet hairs
NanoCaptur+ filter
In addition to using your Pure Air Genius, here are some tips on how to improve the quality of
your indoor air:
Ventilate the rooms for at least 10 min. every day, in summer and winter.
Maintain your ventilation system.
Limit the use of household products.
Do not smoke indoors.
Avoid home fragrances, incense sticks, scented candles, etc.
Ventilate whenever any work is being conducted in your home and for several weeks
Avoid green plants that are allergenic or need frequent watering.
Avoid handling used lters if you suer from allergies or asthma.
Wear gloves when changing the lters, or wash your hands well afterwards.
Put used lters directly into a closed, air-tight bag before throwing them away to avoid
spreading pollutants.
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Marcă Rowenta
Model PU3080F0 Pure Air Genius
Categorie Purificatoare de aer
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 46.07 MB

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Un purificator de aer elimină și praful obișnuit din aer? Verificat

Da, purificatoarele de aer elimină și praful din aer care altfel ar trebui îndepărtat prin praf și curățare. Depinde de purificatorul de aer până la dimensiunea de praf care poate fi îndepărtată din aer.

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Manual Rowenta PU3080F0 Pure Air Genius Purificator de aer

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