Manual Russell Hobbs 18276-56 Allure Blender

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auto shut-off
24 If you leave the motor running, it’ll switch itself off after 2 minutes, to avoid overheating.
25 If this happens, leave it for at least 2 minutes to cool down and recover.
adding ingredients
26 To add ingredients while the blender is working, remove the cap, pour the new ingredients
through the hole, then replace the cap.
27 Check that the added ingredients don’t push the volume in the jug past the 1500ml mark.
28 Turn the motor off:
a) release the Y button
b) or: reduce the speed to 0 with the d button
c) or: press the 3 button once
29 Press the 3 button to turn the light out and switch the appliance off.
30 Turn the jug about µ of a turn anti-clockwise and lift it off the motor unit.
31 Turn the lid about µ of a turn anti-clockwise and lift it off the jug.
crushed ice
32 Before using the appliance to crush ice, make sure it’s clean, and rinse it out thoroughly. The
slightest trace of detergent may affect the taste of the crushed ice, and will flatten any drink
to which it is added.
33 Ice “cubes” come in many shapes and sizes. You’ll have to experiment with the ice from your
ice cube tray.
34 Start with half to threequarters of a cup of ice, or 4 to 6 cubes, and add 15ml (1 tablespoon) of
fresh cold water.
35 Put the lid on the blender, then:
a) press Y for a second or two, then release it
b) check the results, and adjust
36 Too much blending will reduce the ice to liquid, too little will merely chip the edges/corners
off the ice.
37 Don’t try to crush ice without adding water to the jug.
38 Don’t be tempted simply to increase the amount of ice and blend for longer. This won’t work.
Too much ice will never give you satisfactory results.
care and maintenance
39 Switch the appliance off (3 – light out) and unplug it.
40 Clean as soon after use as possible, to prevent residues setting inside the jug.
41 Turn the jug about µ of a turn anti-clockwise and lift it off the motor unit.
42 Turn the lid about µ of a turn anti-clockwise and lift it off the jug.
43 Wash the jug, lid and cap in warm soapy water, rinse, then leave the jug to drain and air dry.
caution keep your hands away from the blades – they’re sharp
44 Don’t use a cloth for drying. You may leave lint on the inside surfaces, and you’ll
probably cut yourself on the blades.
45 If you’ve left it too long before cleaning, and bits have glued themselves to the inside of the
jug, use a nylon brush. If that doesn’t work, crush some ice cubes in it – that’ll shift anything.
46 Wipe the outside of the motor unit with a clean damp cloth.
47 Don’t put the motor unit in water or any other liquid.
48 Don’t put any part of the appliance in a dishwasher.
49 The extreme environment inside the dishwasher can affect the surface finishes.
50 Don’t use harsh or abrasive cleaning agents or solvents.
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Noni 11-09-2023
Blenderul meu nu pornește. Se aprinde, dar nu pot regla temporizatorul, rămâne pe 0 și nu se amestecă, vă rugăm să asiste.

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Marcă Russell Hobbs
Model 18276-56 Allure
Categorie Blendere
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Mărime fișier 0.52 MB

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Poate și un blender să zdrobească gheața? Verificat

Majoritatea blenderului sunt capabili să zdrobească gheața. Acest lucru depinde de model și de cuțitul din blender. Verificați întotdeauna acest model pentru propriul dvs. model.

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Care este diferența dintre un robot de bucătărie și un blender? Verificat

Agenții de prelucrare a alimentelor pot prelucra de obicei alimentele în cuburi, felii și alte forme. Blenderele sunt potrivite în special pentru măcinarea și amestecarea alimentelor.

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Manual Russell Hobbs 18276-56 Allure Blender

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