Manual Saturn ST-BC1304 Aparat de masaj

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Dear Buyer!
We congratulate you on having
bought the device under trade name
“Saturn”. We are sure that our
devices will become faithful and
reliable assistance in your
Avoid extreme temperature
changes. Rapid temperature change
(e.g. when the unit is moved from
freezing temperature to a warm
room) may cause condensation
inside the unit and a malfunction
when it is switched on. In this case
leave the unit at room temperature
for at least 1.5 hours before
switching it on.
If the unit has been in transit, leave
it indoors for at least 1.5 hours
before starting operation.
Turn massager on with the convenient
three position switch that lets you
choose heat only,
massage only, or heat with massage.
Magnetize Infrared Heat with
Massage (HM)
Infrared Heat with massage is most
effective without the use of any
attachments. Simply switch to
"HM"(Infrared Heat and Massage) and
enjoy the unique combination of
penetrating infrared heat with a
vibrating massage.
Magnetize Infrared Heat Only (H)
BEFORE using unit on Infrared HEAT,
check the temperature of the infrared
plate. You can control the amount of
infrared heat you desire by switching
unit from Off to On periodically.
Massage (M)
Four convenient attachments make it
possible to choose the right massage for
each part of your body. Simply place the
attachment you have selected over the
heat plate of
the massager. Use the massager
wherever you need or want it-on arm,
legs, back, thighs, neck, shoulders.
Although the massager may be applied
through clothing, it is most
effective when used directly on the
Adjustable handle
You can adjust the angle of the
massager for best massaging position.
Simply press the circular button in the
middle of the handle, hold it while you
are adjusting the angle of the handle.
Release the button upon reaching the
desirable angle. You can adjust the
angle up to maximum 90.
Roller Massager
Refreshing rollers
with little
to soothe tired
Suction Head
Generates a slight
vacuum, which
has very beneficial
effect on your skin.
Body Massager
Specially designed
knodes direct
soothing waves to
shoulders, arm,
wrist & legs.
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Înțelegem că este plăcut să aveți un manual pe hârtie pentru Saturn ST-BC1304 Aparat de masaj. Puteți oricând descărca manualul de pe site-ul nostru web și îl puteți imprima singur. Dacă doriți să aveți un manual original, vă recomandăm să contactați Saturn. S-ar putea să ofere un manual original. Căutați manualul dvs. Saturn ST-BC1304 Aparat de masaj într-o altă limbă? Alegeți limba preferată pe pagina noastră de pornire și căutați numărul de model pentru a vedea dacă îl avem disponibil.


Marcă Saturn
Model ST-BC1304
Categorie Aparate de masaj
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 1.81 MB

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Manual Saturn ST-BC1304 Aparat de masaj

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