Manual SilverCrest IAN 68666 Aparat de maruntit

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- 4 -
Before using the appliance for the first time, clean
it thoroughly as per the instructions given in the
chapter "Cleaning".
Place the bowl 6 in the appliance base 9.
Place the blade holder 5 with the knife 7 on
the mounting 8.
Prepare the items to be processed by cutting lar-
ge pieces to a size that will fit in the bowl 6.
Place the food to be processed in the bowl 6.
Thereby, take note of the following table:
Salami 130 g 3 x 5 secs. Turbo
100 g 4 x 15 secs. Turbo
100 g pulsating Turbo
Carrots 100 g 3 x 5 secs. Normal
Dried fruit 130 g 4 x 15 secs. Turbo
Almonds 50 g
1 x 10 secs.
2 x 10 secs.
3 x 10 secs.
(hard boiled)
150 g 2 x 4 secs. Turbo
Walnuts 50 g 2 x 8 secs. Turbo
Ice cubes 100 g pulsating Turbo
Close the bowl 6 with the lid 4: Place it on the
bowl 6 so that the lugs on the lid 4 engage in
the slots on the bowl 6. Then turn the lid 4 so
that the lugs slide unter the slots and the lid 4
locks into place.
Place the motor block 2 on the lid collar 3.
Press the motor block 2 downwards, as shown
in Figure B. The motor starts with the normal
operating speed.
To make use of the higher processing speed
"Turbo", press, in addition to the motor block 2,
the turbo button 1 and keep it pressed down,
as shown in Figure C.
Should larger pieces of the contents collect on the
wall of the bowl while processing, lift the motor
block 2 from the lid collar 3. Shake the bowl 6
vigorously and then continue with the processing.
Before the processing, particularly hard foods must
be cut into smaller pieces (about 2cm). Otherwise,
the motor could block. With hard foodstuffs select a
pulsating processing. For this, press the turbo button
1 repeatedly for a short time (in addition to the
motor block 2). Should the foodstuff not be com-
pletely pulverised, you can either cut it into smaller
pieces or lift the motor block 2 from the lid collar
3. Shake the bowl 6 vigorously and then continue
with the processing.
When the contents have been sufficiently chop-
ped, release the motor block 2 and, if necessa-
ry, the turbo button 1.
Unplug the power cable from the socket.
IB_68666_SMZ260C2_LB7 29.09.2011 11:41 Uhr Seite 4
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Marcă SilverCrest
Model IAN 68666
Categorie Aparate de mărunțit
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 1.72 MB

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