Manual SilverCrest IAN 96282 Robot de bucătărie

Ai nevoie de un manual pentru SilverCrest IAN 96282 Robot de bucătărie? Mai jos puteți vizualiza și descărca manualul PDF gratuit în limba română. Acest produs are în prezent 2 întrebări frecvente, 0 comentarii și are 0 voturi. Dacă acesta nu este manualul dorit, vă rugăm să ne contactați.

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DANGER for children
Packing materials are not children's
toys. Children should not be allowed to
play with the plastic bags: there is a risk
of suffocation.
DANGER! Risk of electric
shock due to moisture
The device must never be operated in
the vicinity of a bathtub, a shower, a
filled hand basin or similar.
The motor block, the power cable and
the mains plug must not be immersed in
water or any other liquids.
Protect the motor block against mois-
ture, drips and splashes.
If liquid gets into the motor block, re-
move the mains plug immediately. Have
the device checked before reusing.
Never touch the device with wet hands.
If the device falls into water, disconnect
the mains plug immediately. Only then
is it safe to retrieve the device.
Fill the bowl with a maximum of 600 ml
of liquid in order to prevent liquid from
getting into the motor block.
DANGER! Risk of electric
Only plug the mains plug into the wall
socket after the device has been com-
pletely assembled.
Only connect the mains plug to a prop-
erly installed and easily accessible wall
socket whose voltage corresponds to
the specifications on the rating plate.
The wall socket must continue to be eas-
ily accessible after the device is
plugged in.
Ensure that the power cable cannot be
damaged by sharp edges or hot points.
Do not wrap the power cable around
the device.
The device is not fully disconnected from
the power supply, even after it is
switched off. In order to fully disconnect
it, pull out the mains plug.
When using the device, ensure that the
power cable cannot be trapped or
When removing the mains plug, always
pull the plug and never the cable.
Disconnect the mains plug from the wall
if there is a fault,
when you are not using the food pro-
… prior to assembling or disassembling
the food processor,
prior to cleaning the food processor
during thunderstorms.
Do not use the device if there is visible
damage to the device or the power cable.
To avoid any risk, do not make modifica-
tions to the product.
DANGER! Risk of injury
from cutting
The device must never be operated with-
out the bowl.
Never reach into the rotating blades. Do
not touch rotating parts with spoons or
similar utensils. Keep long hair or loose
clothing away from rotating parts as well.
WARNING! Risk of material
The maximum filling level for solid food
is 500 ml.
The maximum filling volume for liquids
is 600 ml.
In order to prevent damage to the de-
vice, interrupt the blending process im-
mediately if the insert holder, the blade
insert and the dough blade are not turn-
ing or are turning with difficulty. Pull out
the mains plug and check whether there
is something in the bowl blocking move-
ment or whether the food is too tough.
Also check whether the device is assem-
bled correctly. Seite 5 Dienstag, 14. Januar 2014 11:16 11
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Marcă SilverCrest
Model IAN 96282
Categorie Robote de bucătărie
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 2.14 MB

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Care este numărul modelului produsului meu SilverCrest? Verificat

Deși unele produse SilverCrest au un număr de model alternativ, toate au un număr IAN cu care produsul poate fi identificat.

A fost util (3367) Citeşte mai mult

Care este diferența dintre un robot de bucătărie și un blender? Verificat

Agenții de prelucrare a alimentelor pot prelucra de obicei alimentele în cuburi, felii și alte forme. Blenderele sunt potrivite în special pentru măcinarea și amestecarea alimentelor.

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Manual SilverCrest IAN 96282 Robot de bucătărie

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