Manual Solac CE4493 Espressor

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de of the appliance used for protection during
transport or for sales promotions, such as pa-
per or plastic bags, plastic sheets, cardboard
and stickers.
• Make sure that there is water in the tank, be-
fore connecting the coffee maker.
• Do not touch the appliance with wet hands
when in operation.
• Do not use the appliance on wet surfaces or
• The appliance must be connected to a power
socket with a suitable ground connection.
• Donotreleasethelterholderwhilecoffeeis
coming out.
• Steam and water may sometimes emerge
from the coffee outlet. This is not a sign of a
fault or malfunction.
• This espresso coffee maker is a high pressure
model (up to 19 bar) and has a built-in electric
pumpto drawout themaximum avourand
aroma from the coffee. It is therefore normal
for the electric pump to make a little noise and
vibrate when it comes into operation.
1 on/ff switch
2 Network indicator lamp
3 Temperature indicator lamp
4 Temperature selector (coffee/steam)
5 Coffee/steam brewing
6 Filter holder
7 Capsulelter
8 Twocuplter
9 Measuring scoop with compactor
10 Coffee outlet holes
11 Steam nozzle
12 Steam nozzle protector
13 Filter holder guide
14 Water tank
15 Cup holder tray
16 Tray grille
17 Container lid
18 Drip tray
• Beforeusingthecoffeemachinefortherst
time, we recommend allowing the equivalent
pletely cleans the entire system.
• Gettingtherightespressoforeveryuser’stas-
te is a result of the type of coffee, the dose
and the pressing:
• We recommend you choose your preferred
for espresso.
• The result will vary considerably according
to the quantity of coffee used. If you want a
strong coffee, you can exceed the dispenser
• Finally, we recommend that you press the
coffee to extract all the coffee essences and
improve the cream.
• Coffee should always come out of the lter
holder in a regular stream, without dripping. If
not, both the quantity of coffee and the pres-
sing should be reduced or the coffee grind
• We recommend that you make the coffee as
soon as the indicator light turns blue to ensure
a higher temperature.
• Any misuse or failure to follow the instructions
for use renders the guarantee and the manu-
Initial use
The boiler may come empty from the factory. Fill
the boiler for initial use of the coffee maker. With
cle. To do this:
1 Fill the tank with cold water. The tank (14) can
be removed via the back of the coffee maker
or open the lid (17) and pour the water in di-
2 Plug the appliance into the mains and switch
it on using the on/off switch (1) The indicator
lamp (2) will light up red.
3 Make sure the temperature selector (coffee/
steam) (4) is in “coffee position. Turn the
brewing selector (5), to “coffee” position. The
pump will start operating. In a few seconds,
water will start to come out from coffee outlet.
That means the machine is ready to start.
1 Fill the tank with cold water. The tank (14) can
be removed via the back of the coffee maker
or open the lid (17) and pour the water in di-
2 Plug the appliance into the mains. The indica-
CE4493_cafetera.indd 10 13/4/16 16:06
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Model CE4493
Categorie Espressoare
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Ce spune măcinarea despre cafea? Verificat

Tipul de măcinat determină puternic gustul cafelei. O măcinare mai fină înseamnă în general un gust mai puternic, iar o măcinare mai grosieră înseamnă un gust mai blând. O măcinare foarte fină poate duce la cafea amară.

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Cafeaua se păstrează cel mai bine într-o cutie curată și etanșă.

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Manual Solac CE4493 Espressor

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