Manual Valera Swiss Nano 9200 Ionic Uscător de păr

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Filter (only if applicable to this model)
The hairdryer is equipped with a removable filter, which prevents
dust particles and hair from being sucked in by the fan. The filter
can be washed under running water. To remove it, pull the rear
grill off. After cleaning the filter, make sure that it is completely
dry before placing it again into the hairdryer. Then place the
rear grill on the hairdryer.
Voltage-selector (only if applicable to this model)
If the hairdryer is equipped with this device, before plugging in,
adjust the appliance to the voltage 110-125 V or 220-240 V,
according to your electricity supply. Using a small screwdriver or
similar tool.
Ionic Wellness
(only if applicable to this model)
This function is associated with a generator that produces
millions of purifying negative ions.
What are ions?
Ions are electrically charged particles found in nature.
Negatively charged ions help to purify the air by neutralising the
positively charged ions that, by contrast, reduce its quality by
retaining in the atmosphere many polluting agents.
An abundance of negatively charged ions can be found after a
thunder storm or at the seaside or in the mountains, close to
waterfalls and waterways where the feeling of well-being is due
to the increased presence of pure, natural, revitalising air.
Improved hydration of hair
Negatively charged ions help to maintain the proper hydration of
your hair
In particular, they micronize the water particles present on newly-
washed hair, enabling the stem to absorb more in order to restore
the natural balance of your hair’s humidity.
Conditioning effect on the hair
Improved hydration assists with the conditioning of your hair,
has a regenerating effect and makes it softer and easier to comb,
with greater volume and shine.
No electrostatic charge or “fly away”
Negatively charged ions help to reduce static electricity, the “fly
away” effect and unwanted frizzles.
Purifying effect
The negatively charged ions emitted by the hairdryer ensure that
the particles polluting the air (positive or neutral charges) are
attracted to each other, become heavy and fall to the ground
under the force of gravity, thereby purifying the air.
In addition, every time you use the hairdryer you will notice a
fresh fragrance: this is the ozone that removes smells and leaves
your hair feeling that it has just been washed.
Negatively charged ions also eliminate the smell of tobacco
smoke and other environmental odours.
• This hairdryer is designed for professional use. When set
to maximum temperature values, the appliance produces
very hot air. To avoid damaging the hair or skin when using
the product in a domestic environment, select lower
temperature values or do not concentrate on individual
areas for too long.
This hairdryer conforms to the safety regulations regarding
electrical appliances.
This hairdryer has a safety cut-out which will operate in case
of overheating. The dryer will re-set itself after being left to
cool for a few minutes, but please check air inlet and outlet
grills are perfectly clean before continuing to use the dryer.
This appliance conforms to European Directives 2004/108/EC,
2009/125/EC, 2006/95/EC, and Regulation (EC) No.
Model 530.., 533.., 541.., 542.., 553.., 554..
ON/OFF Pressure must be maintained to operate the
hairdryer) - (only for models equipped with this push button)
0=Off (only if applicable to this model)
cool air (only if applicable to this model)
1=warm/low power (only if applicable to this model)
2=hot/high power(only if applicable to this model)
Model 543.., 544.., 545.., 560.., 561.., 580.., 581.., 583.., 584..
Fan Setting Temperature setting
0=Off 1=COOL (=COOL model 543.., 545.., 561..)
1=low power 2=warm(=1/ECO model 543.., 545.., 561..)
2=high power 3=hot(=2/MAX model 543.., 545.., 561..)
COOL setting (only if applicable to this model)
Cool air helps set the style, so always finish with the cool setting
for a longer lasting, more effective result.
Styling nozzle
Fit the flat-air styling nozzle onto the hairdryer for added styling
control whilst drying.
Diffuser o “V olume” Diffuser
(if supplied with this model)
This accessory helps to volumise hair and adds soft body and
texture to naturally curly or permed hair.
Scrunch damp (but not wet) hair in your fist, lifting it upwards
and allowing the warm air from the diffuser to pass through your
Fitting the diffuser: see fig. 1.
If using the “Volume” diffuser, make sure you work the “fingers”
right into the hair as if they were your own fingertips, so that the
flow of hot air expelled from them is able to “inflate” the roots
effectively, thus increasing the volume of the hair.
ATTENTION: when you fit the diffuser onto the hairdryer use
only on the lowest heat/speed setting.
00060637 marzo_2013:Layout 1 06/03/2013 12.13 Pagina 5
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Marcă Valera
Model Swiss Nano 9200 Ionic
Categorie Uscătoare de păr
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 2.68 MB

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Echipa noastră de asistență caută informații utile despre produs și răspunde la întrebările frecvente. Dacă descoperiți o inexactitate în întrebările frecvente, vă rugăm să ne anunțați utilizând formularul de contact.

Ce face un uscător de păr ionic? Verificat

Multe uscătoare moderne de păr au o funcție ionică. Această funcție folosește ioni negativi pentru a proteja părul și a preveni ca acesta să devină static.

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Care este distanța optimă între părul meu și uscătorul de păr? Verificat

Cel mai bine este să folosiți uscătorul de păr la o distanță de aproximativ 20 de centimetri.

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Pot înfășura cablul în jurul dispozitivului după utilizare? Verificat

Este mai bine să nu faceți acest lucru, deoarece poate deteriora cablul. Cel mai bun lucru de făcut este să înfășurați cablul așa cum era atunci când produsul a fost ambalat.

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Manual Valera Swiss Nano 9200 Ionic Uscător de păr

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