Manual VonHaus 2500869 Grătar

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A4L | 01
INTENDED USE WARNING! The product is for outdoor use only.
DO NOT use indoors. This product should NOT be used in motor
homes, tents, sheds or any similar locations where ventilation is
limited. Use only in an uncovered, well ventilated area. Position
on a suitable heat-resistant surface such as a concrete patio slab.
This product is not intended as a climbing structure and it is not a
toy. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play
with the product. Keep children and pets away from the product
at all times when cooling.Flammable materials and heat-sensitive
items should be kept away from the product during use and when
cooling. Keep loose tting clothing away and long hair tied back.
Do not overload the product.
IMPORTANT: The product should only be lit by safe means such
as relighters complying with EN1860-3. Pay close attention to all
warnings and instructions provided with any lighting equipment/
fuels. Always keep a re extinguisher, garden hose, or bucket of
sand nearby to smother the re if necessary.
Do not light this product or let it smoulder or cool down in conned
spaces. Do not use under awnings, parasols or gazebos.
Never handle charcoal after lighting. Always use the Poker
provided.Always use the Mesh Guard when a re is lit.WARNING!
The BBQ will become extremely hot during use and cannot be
moved. To avoid injury, be aware that the resting surface directly
underneath the BBQ will become very hot during operation and will
remain hot for some time afterwards. Keep feet, other limbs and all
property/items well away from this area.
To avoid burns, do not touch metal parts of the product until it has
completely cooled. Handles will become very hot and unsafe to
touch during use, unless you are wearing rated protective gear (pot
holders, thermal proof mittens, hot pad etc). Standard household
oven gloves will NOT oer sucient protection and should not
be used. Hot embers may be emitted during use. Never leave a
burning re unattended.Extinguish immediately after use. Do not
splash water over a re to extinguish as the resulting smoke can
cause eye/respiratory irritation. Carefully douse using a suitable
extinguishing medium, keeping sucient distance for safety. The
product may appear cool but may still be retaining dangerous heat.
Exercise extreme caution when handling.
Ensure the coals have completely burnt before removing the ash.
Do not dump ashes where they could start a re. Always dispose of
ashes in a proper receptacle.
The product should only be moved and stored when it has
completely cooled and all ammable materials have been
extinguished and disposed of safely.
Store away ONLY when the product is completely extinguished and
cool. This may take some time after use.
BEFORE FIRST USE Follow each step of the assembly as outlined
by the steps in this Instruction Manual.
Assemble close to the products intended position.
Locate the product in a suitable area where it will not create an
obstruction. Locate away from sources of combustion.
GENERAL SAFETY The assembly pack contains small parts which
can pose a choking hazard to children and pets. Place on solid and
even ground.
Only use in an upright stable position.
Do not overload the product as this may result in damage to the
product or personal injury.
CLEANING & MAINTENANCE Do not clean the product with any
abrasive cloths or chemicals. Solvents or detergents can cause
damage to the surface.
Periodically check and re-tighten ttings where necessary. Re-
tighten all ttings after rst week following assembly.
To clean, sponge down with warm water, a soft cloth and mild
detergent. Ensure you have all the pieces listed. If you are missing
any components, contact our customer services department at
DO NOT proceed with assembly if any components are
ATTENTION ! Ce produit est réservé à un usage en extérieur. NE
PAS utiliser en intérieur. Ce produit ne devrait PAS être utilisé dans
Please read all instructions carefully before use and retain for
future reference.
Veuillez lire attentivement ces instructions avant utilisation et
conservez-les pour pouvoir les consulter à l’avenir.
Bitte lesen Sie die Anleitung sorgfältig und bewahren Sie sie
als Referenz auf.
Leed todas las instrucciones detenidamente antes de usar y
retened para futuras consultas.
Si prega di leggere attentamente tutte le istruzioni prima
dell’uso e conservarle per una futura consultazione.
Estimated assembly time
Temps d’assemblage estimé
Geschätzte Montagezeit
Tiempo Estimado de Ensamblaje
Tempo stimato per il montaggio
Do not use power tools to assemble
Ne pas utiliser d’outils électriques pour assembler
Verwenden Sie zum Zusammenbauen keine
No use herramientas eléctricas para ensamblar
Non utilizzare utensili elettrici da assemblare
Relocation. Never drag the item. This may cause damage to
xtures and make the item unstable. Dissassemble where
Déplacement. Ne tirez jamais l’objet. Ceci pourrait endom-
mager le montage et rendre l’objet instable. Désassemblez
lorsque nécessaire.
Ortwechsel. Niemals den Gegenstand ziehen. Dies kann die
Befestigungsmittel beschädigen und den Gegenstand instabil
machen. Gegebenenfalls zerlegen.
Reubicación. Nunca arrastre el artículo. Esto puede causar
daños a los accesorios y hacer que el artículo sea inestable.
Desmonte cuando proceda.
Ricollocazione. Non trascinare mai l’oggetto. Questo
potrebbe arrecare danni e rendere l’oggetto instabile. Se
necessario, smontare.
Do not climb on
Ne pas monter sur
Klettern Sie nicht auf
No subir en
Non salire
Re-tighten xings every 6 months
Resserrer les xations tous les 6 mois
Befestigungen alle 6 Monate nachziehen
Reapriete las jaciones cada 6 meses
Stringere di nuovo i ssaggi ogni 6 mesi
Per Shelf
Par étagère
Pro Regal
Por estante
Per scaale
WARNING! Do not use the barbecue in a conned and/or
habitable space. For example, houses, tents, caravans, motor
homes, boats. Danger of carbon monoxide poisoning fatality.
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Marcă VonHaus
Model 2500869
Categorie Grătare
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Mărime fișier 2.72 MB

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Echipa noastră de asistență caută informații utile despre produs și răspunde la întrebările frecvente. Dacă descoperiți o inexactitate în întrebările frecvente, vă rugăm să ne anunțați utilizând formularul de contact.

Care este diferența dintre cărbune și brichete? Verificat

Brichetele sunt realizate din resturi de biți din producția de cărbune, conferindu-i proprietăți diferite. Cărbunele arde mai repede și poate atinge temperaturi mai ridicate. Brichetele ard mai mult și mențin o temperatură mai consistentă.

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Manual VonHaus 2500869 Grătar