Manual Worx WG284E Trimmer de gard viu

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Hedge trimmer EN
instructions, taking into account the
working conditions and the work to be
performed. Use of the power tool for operations
different from those intended could result in a
hazardous situation.
5. Battery tool use and care
a) Recharge only with the charger specified
by the manufacturer. A charger that is suitable
for one type of battery pack may create a risk of
fire when used with another battery pack.
b) Use power tools only with specifically
designated battery packs. Use of any other
battery packs may create a risk of injury and fire.
c) When battery pack is not in use, keep it
away from other metal objects, like paper
clips, coins, keys, nails, screws or other
small metal objects, that can make a
connection from one terminal to another.
Shorting the battery terminals together may
cause burns or a fire.
d) Under abusive conditions, liquid may be
ejected from the battery; avoid contact.
If contact accidentally occurs, flush with
water. If liquid contacts eyes, additionally
seek medical help. Liquid ejected from the
battery may cause irritation or burns.
6. Service
a) Have your power tool serviced by a
qualified repair person using only identical
replacement parts. This will ensure that the
safety of the power tool is maintained.
1. Keep all parts of the body away from the
cutter blade. Do not remove cut material
or hold material to be cut when blades are
moving. Make sure the switch is off when
clearing jammed material. A moment of
inattention while operating the hedge trimmer
may result in serious personal injury.
2. Carry the hedge trimmer by the handle
with the cutter blade stopped. When
transporting or storing the hedge trimmer
always fit the cutting device cover. Proper
handling of the hedge trimmer will reduce
possible personal injury from the cutter blades.
3. Hold the power tool by insulated gripping
surfaces only, because the cutter blade
may contact hidden wiring. Cutter blades
contacting a “live” wire may make exposed metal
parts of the power tool “live” and could give the
operator an electric shock.
Check the hedge for foreign objects, e.g. wire fences.
5. Use both hands when operating the hedge
trimmer. Using one hand could cause loss of
control and result in serious personal injury.
Read the instructions carefully for the correct
handling, preparation, maintenance, starting
and stopping of the machine. Be familiar with all
controls and the proper use of the machine;
2. Never allow children to use the machine;
3. Avoid operating while people, especially children
are nearby;
4. Dress properly! Do not wear loose clothing or
jewellery which can be caught in moving parts.
Use of sturdy gloves, non-skid footwear, and
safety glasses in recommended;
5. Disconnect battery from the machine before
- cleaning or when clearing a blockage;
- checking, maintenance or working on the
6. While operating the machine always be sure of
a safe and secure operating position especially
when using steps or a ladder;
7. Do not attempt to repair the machine unless you
are qualified to do so;
8. Do not operate the machine with a damaged or
excessively worn cutting device;
9. Always ensure all handles and guards are fitted
when using the machine. Never attempt to use
an incomplete machine or one fitted with an
unauthorized modification;
10. When a hedge trimmer is provided with more
than one handle always use two hands to operate
11. When transporting or storing the machine always
fit the cutting device guard;
12. Know how to stop the machine quickly in an
13. Always be aware of your surroundings and stay
alert for possible hazards that you may not hear
due to the noise of the machine.
14. Use the Hedge trimmer only in daylight or good
artificial light.
15. Never hold the Hedge trimmer by the guard.
16. Never operate the Hedge trimmer with damaged
guards or without guard in place.
17. Whilst using the Hedge trimmer always be sure
of a safe and secure operating position.
18. Keep hands and feet away from the cutting
means at all times and especially when switching
on the motor.
19. Do not expose to rain. Do not operate your Hedge
trimmer on a wet hedge.
20. Check cutting blades regularly for damage, and if
damaged repair immediately.
21. Do not start the Hedge trimmer with the blade
cover fitted.
22. Take care not to overload the Hedge trimmer and
do not use it on jobs for which it is not intended,
i.e. you are allowed to use the Hedge trimmer
only to cut hedges, shrubs and perennials.
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Marcă Worx
Model WG284E
Categorie Trimmere de gard viu
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 7.05 MB

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Echipa noastră de asistență caută informații utile despre produs și răspunde la întrebările frecvente. Dacă descoperiți o inexactitate în întrebările frecvente, vă rugăm să ne anunțați utilizând formularul de contact.

De unde știu că gardianul meu este contondent? Verificat

Atunci când ramurile sunt trase în loc să fie tăiate, garda-gardă este ascuțită și trebuie ascuțită.

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Cum îmi ascuți lamele de tăiat gard viu? Verificat

Ascuțirea lamelor tăietorului gard viu este importantă pentru menținerea performanței și eficienței instrumentului. Pentru a ascuți lamele, veți avea nevoie de o pilă sau o piatră de ascuțit special concepută pentru tipul de lamă de pe tăietorul de gard viu.

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Cum îmi ung lamele tăietorului gard viu? Verificat

Lubrifierea lamelor tăietorului gard viu va ajuta la reducerea frecării și uzurii, prelungind durata de viață a sculei. Utilizați un ulei lubrifiant de înaltă calitate special conceput pentru tăietorii gard viu și aplicați o cantitate mică pe lame după fiecare utilizare.

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Cum pot preveni formarea ruginii pe lamele mele de tăiat gard viu? Verificat

Rugina poate cauza deteriorarea lamelor tăietorului gard viu, reducându-le performanța și durata de viață. Pentru a preveni rugina, curățați și uscați bine lamele după fiecare utilizare și depozitați-le într-un loc uscat și curat. De asemenea, puteți lua în considerare aplicarea unui strat de protecție, cum ar fi ulei sau un inhibitor de rugină, pe lame înainte de a le depozita.

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Manual Worx WG284E Trimmer de gard viu

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