Manual Zanker KHB92650XA Hotă

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The minimum distance between the hob surface on which the pans
stand and the lower part of the hood must be 65 cm, unless otherwise
speci ed in the installation instructions. If the hob installation instructions
specify a greater distance, it must be taken into account.
The air collected must not be conveyed into a duct used to blow off
smokes from appliances fed with an energy other than electricity (central
heating systems, thermosiphons, water-heaters, etc.).
Comply with the of cial instructions provided by the competent autho-
rities in merit when installing the disposal duct. In addition, exhaust air
should not be discharged into a wall cavity, unless the cavity is designed
for that purpose.
The room must be well aerated in case a hood and some other heat
equipment fed with an energy other than electricity (gas, oil, coal heaters,
etc) operate at the same time.
In fact the intake hood, disposing of air, could create a vacuum in the
room. The vacuum should not exceed 0,04mbar. This prevents the gas
exhausted by the heat source from being intaken again. It is therefore
advisable to ensure the room contains air taps able to ensure a steady
ow of fresh air.
Check the data label inside the appliance; if the symbol (
) is printed,
read the following: this appliance has such technical particulars that it
belongs to class II insulation, therefore it must not be earthed.
Check the data label inside the appliance; if the symbol ( ) is NOT prin-
ted, read the following: ATTENTION: This appliance must be earthed.
When making the electrical connections, check that the current socket
has a ground connection.
When making the electrical connections, check that the voltage values
correspond to those indicated on the data plate inside the appliance
itself. In case your appliance is not tted with a supply cord and a plug
or with other means for disconnection from the supply mains having
a contact separation in all poles that provide full disconnection under
overvoltage category III conditions, that means for disconnection must
be incorporated in the xed wiring in accordance with the wiring rules.
If your unit features a power lead and plug, position this so the plug is
Always switch off the electricity supply before carrying out any cleaning
or servicing operations on the appliance.
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Marcă Zanker
Model KHB92650XA
Categorie Hote
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 8.63 MB

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Câtă distanță ar trebui să existe între hota mea și plita mea? Verificat

Acest lucru poate funcționa puțin în funcție de marcă, dar, în general, o hota aragazului trebuie plasată la cel puțin 65 de centimetri deasupra unei plite cu gaz și la cel puțin 50 de centimetri deasupra unei plite electrice sau cu inducție. Aceasta este pentru a îmbunătăți siguranța la incendiu

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Am nevoie de o hota cu sau fara motor? Verificat

Hote de bucătărie cu motor sunt destinate atunci când aerul este mutat direct în exterior. O hota fara motor este destinata atunci cand exista un sistem central de ventilatie. Nu conectați niciodată o hota cu motor la un sistem de ventilație centrală!

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Manual Zanker KHB92650XA Hotă

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