Manual AL-KO LHS 5500 Mașină de spintecat

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Log splitter
GB 4
4. Set the splitting table at the level of the
timber to be split (see Illus. 7). The splitting
table should engage securely and be hori-
5. In the case of the LHS 6000, LHS 7000
model, the swivel table can be swivelled in-
wards or outwards. The table has to be se-
cured with the engaging lever when swiv-
elled inwards (see Illus. 8).
The splitting column moves automati-
cally to the upper end position when the
motor is switched on if the column is in
the lowermost end position.
6. Unscrew the oil inspection rod by 2 turns.
7. Switch on the motor by pressing the green
activation button.
8. Adjust the splitting column stroke if neces-
sary (see Stroke limitation).
9. Position the piece of timber on the splitting
table and secure with the retaining claws.
10. Press both control levers downwards. The
splitting process commences.
11. Raise both control levers when the splitting
process is completed to allow the splitting
column to move upwards.
The split timber should only be removed
from the splitting table when the splitting
column is in the upper end position.
Grease the splitting blade lightly when
splitting extremely tough timber.
Stroke limitation
1. Position a piece of timber on the splitting
2. Press both control levers and move the
splitting blade until it approaches to within 2
3. Release one control lever and switch off the
motor. The splitting blade remains stationary
in this position.
4. Release the fixing screw (Illus. 9-2), draw the
stroke rod (Illus. 9-1) completely upwards
and tighten the fixing screw firmly.
1. Move the splitting blade completely down-
wards and switch off the motor.
Pull out the unit plug prior to every
change of location.
The oil inspection rod must be screwed
firmly if the log splitter is to be trans-
ported, as hydraulic oil will otherwise
leak out.
2. Loosen the star grip on stand feet then fold
the feet inwards and secure with a star grip.
3. Secure both the control levers at the front
with a rubber band (see Illus. 10).
4. Tilt the splitter slightly to the rear with the
hoop on the splitting column until the wheels
are resting on the ground. The log splitter
can be easily transported in this position.
Maintenance and care
Switch off the log splitter and disconnect
from the mains power supply prior to
each working operation with the log
splitter. Repairs to the log splitter should
only be realised by a specialist firm or
Caring for the log splitter
Lubricating the splitting column
1. The splitting column should be lubricated
with grease free of resin or acid before every
use. This increases the service life of the
sliding jaws.
Maintenance work
Sharpening the splitting wedge
1. The splitting wedge should be sharpened
with a suitable file if necessary.
Checking the hydraulic oil filling level
Always check the hydraulic oil when the
splitting column is moved inwards. The
log splitter should be in a horizontal
1. Unscrew the oil inspection rod and wipe with
a clean, lint-free cloth.
2. Insert the oil inspection rod (do not screw it
in) and pull out again. The oil level should be
between the markings "min" and "max" (see
Illus. 11). Top up the hydraulic oil if neces-
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Chalies Jean Noel 25-11-2020
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lozano 02-08-2022
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lozano 02-08-2022
Aștept un răspuns pe al meu

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Viktor Seeber 21-06-2022
Bună ziua, este despicatorul de bușteni LHS 5500 sau. LHS 6000 echipat cu roti pentru reglare? Mulțumiri

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allain jean francois 16-12-2023
salut splitter-ul meu nu se mai aprinde dupa ce l-am mutat trei metri Știți dacă există vreo securitate care m-ar putea deranja sau ceva? MULȚUMIRI

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Marcă AL-KO
Model LHS 5500
Categorie Mașini de spintecat
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 4.85 MB

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Întrebări frecvente despre AL-KO LHS 5500 Mașină de spintecat

Echipa noastră de asistență caută informații utile despre produs și răspunde la întrebările frecvente. Dacă descoperiți o inexactitate în întrebările frecvente, vă rugăm să ne anunțați utilizând formularul de contact.

De câte tone de forță are nevoie despărțitorul meu de lemn? Verificat

Pentru o utilizare personală ușoară, este suficient să creați propriul lemn de foc 22 sau 27 de tone de forță. În cazul utilizării personale grele, se recomandă utilizarea a 25 de tone. Pentru uz industrial se recomandă 40 de tone sau mai mult.

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Are nevoie de ascuțit un despărțitor de lemn? Verificat

Cu utilizarea normală pe lemn, nu este necesar să ascuțiți un despicător de lemn.

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Care este diferența dintre un despărțitor de lemn orizontal și unul vertical? Verificat

Despicatoarele orizontale de lemn au, în general, mai puțină putere și pot manipula numai bușteni mai subțiri. Modelele verticale pot prelua bușteni mai largi și pot avea mai multă putere.

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Manual AL-KO LHS 5500 Mașină de spintecat

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