Manual Aresa AR-3125 Fier de călcat

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Always place the iron vertically if you make a break between ironing. Never leave the heated iron horizontally on the ironing board.
When filling the tank with water, or when draining water from the tank, always unplug the power cord from the outlet.
Fill the tank with distilled (not mineral), bottled or filtered water. Never fill with liquids such as detergent, gasoline, vinegar, anti-scale agents, etc.
The filling cap must be closed during ironing. Never wind the power cord around the appliance after use, as this may cause a break in the cord.
When using an extension cord, make sure that the maximum permissible cable power corresponds to the power of the device.
ATTENTION! At first switching on the iron can emit an unpleasant smell of burning. This is normal and is connected with the burnout of the
factory oil. The manufacturer reserves the right without additional notice to make minor changes to the design of the product that do not radically
affect its safety, performance and functionality.
Before the first use remove the stickers from the body and the soleplate of the iron. At first use a little smoke may appear, after some time it will disappear.
When using an iron for the first time fill it with water. Use distilled water. Before pouring water into the iron, disconnect it from the mains.
Set the thermostat to the minimum level. Open the water tank. Hold the iron upright. Pour some water using a measuring cup. Do not fill the tank beyond the maximum
mark. Close the water tank until it clicks.
Install the iron vertically. Set the thermostat to the desired temperature by turning it to the desired position.
Check the tags on the clothes before ironing.
● - Synthetics (silk, acrylic, viscose, polyester, etc.) ●● - wool ●●● - cotton, linen.
If you do not know the type of fabric, try ironing on the edge of the clothes which will not be visible when worn.
Silk, woolen and synthetic products are recommended to iron on the reverse side to prevent shiny spots. To avoid staining, do not use the spray function.
Insert the plug into the socket. The indicator will light and go out during ironing from time to time.
The use of steam is possible only at high temperature. If a low temperature is set, then there is the possibility of water leakage through the soleplate. But for this case
there is a "Drop-stop" function when the iron automatically turns off steam at a low temperature.Make sure there is enough water in the tank. Set the thermostat and
steam regulator to the recommended positions. The steaming starts as soon as the iron reaches the necessary temperature.
DRY IRONING. Set steam regulator to position O (no steam).
A powerful steam shot will help you to remove stiff creases. The "Steam shot” function can only be used when the temperature is set between ••• and MAX.
Press the "Steam shot" button, but not more than three times in a row.
DROP-STOP function. This function turns off steam and the iron automatically stops steaming at low temperatures to prevent water leakage from the soleplate.
VERTICAL STEAM. "Steam shot” function can also be used when holding the iron in an upright position, provided that the water is filled up to the MAX mark in the tank.
ANTI-SCALE FUNCTION. The built-in automatic anti-scale system reduces scale deposit and prolongs the life of your iron.
TRANSPORTATION. Transport the device by any kind of enclosed transport observing the rules which ensure preservation of market condition
of both the product and packaging, and its further safe operation.
ATTENTION! Never wash the accessories and parts of the appliance in the dishwasher. Do not use chemicals or abrasives.
The self-cleaning function should be used every 2 weeks. The harder the water is, the more often you need to use this function.
Fill the reservoir with water to the maximum level. Do not use vinegar or other anti-scale agents. Set the temperature control to MAX.
Insert the plug into the socket. Unplug the iron when the indicator light turns off. Hold the iron horizontally over the sink. Press the self-clean button
and lightly move the iron back and forth. Water and steam will come out through the holes on the soleplate . Dirt and scale will flow out with them.
Release the button when the water tank is empty. Repeat cleaning if there is a lot of scale left in the iron. Place the iron horizontally.
Turn on the iron and allow it to warm up. Turn off the iron. Iron an old cloth several times. Before cleaning the iron, always unplug it from the
outlet. In case of a raid on the soleplate it can be removed with a cloth dampened in acetic-aqueous solution. Clean the handle with a damp cloth,
then wipe it dry.
STORAGE. The device must be stored indoors, in conditions that presume its further safe operation. Make sure that the appliance and all its
accessories are completely dried before storing it. Always store the iron in an upright position.
When purchasing the product ask for it to be checked in your presence. Without having a warranty card or when it is not properly filled in,
the quality claims are not accepted, and no warranty repair is performed. The warranty card should be presented at any address to the service
center during the whole warranty period. The product is accepted for service in a complete set only. The warranty period is calculated from the
moment of sale to the buyer. Keep the documents confirming the date of purchase of the product (cash receipt).
The condition of free warranty service of your product is its correct operation, which does not go beyond personal domestic needs, in accordance
with the requirements of the operating instructions for the product, the absence of mechanical damages and the consequences of careless
handling of the product.
The product is accepted for warranty service in its pure form. The warranty covers all manufacturing and construction defects (except those
listed in the "Warranty does not apply" section), identified during the warranty period. During this period defective parts, except consumables,
are subject to free replacement in the warranty service center.
1. Defects caused by force majeure.
2. Damage to the product caused by the use of the product for purposes that go beyond personal domestic needs (ie industrial or commercial purposes).
3. Consumables and accessories.
4. Defects caused by overloading, improper operation, penetration of liquids, dust of insects, ingress of foreign objects into the product.
5. Products that have been repaired outside authorized service centers or warranty workshops.
6. Damage resulting from changes in the design of the product by the user or unqualified replacement of his components.
7. Mechanical damages, including due to negligent handling, improper transportation and storage, falling of the product.
8. Violation of the operating instructions.
9. Incorrect installation of mains voltage (if required).
10. Making technical changes.
11. Damage through the fault of animals (including rodents and insects).
Information on the production date can be found on a separate package.
For warranty service, please contact your nearest service center.
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Model AR-3125
Categorie Fiare de călcat
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Mărime fișier 1.82 MB

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Echipa noastră de asistență caută informații utile despre produs și răspunde la întrebările frecvente. Dacă descoperiți o inexactitate în întrebările frecvente, vă rugăm să ne anunțați utilizând formularul de contact.

Pot curăța fundul de fier cu un spălător? Verificat

Nu, acest lucru ar putea deteriora fundul. Folosiți o cârpă umedă sau un burete moale pentru a o curăța.

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Care sunt diferențele dintre un fier de călcat cu abur și un fier de călcat obișnuit? Verificat

Cel mai mare avantaj al fierului de călcat cu abur este că îndepărtează ridurile mai ușor datorită utilizării aburului. Dimpotrivă, un fier obișnuit este mult mai ușor și adesea mai ieftin.

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Talpa fierului meu este decolorată, mai pot călca cu el? Verificat

Acest lucru este posibil, dar există șansa ca acesta să se frece de hainele de culoare deschisă.

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Pot călca peste butoane? Verificat

Nu, acest lucru va deteriora talpa fierului și acest lucru va împiedica funcționarea corectă a fierului de călcat. Nu călcați niciodată peste butoane, fermoare sau alte obiecte dure.

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Manual Aresa AR-3125 Fier de călcat

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