Manual Blaupunkt MSR801 Aparat de ras

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1. Shaving head
2. Housing of the shaving heads
3. Button opening the housing of the
shaving heads
4. Shaving attachment
5. Trimmer attachment
6. Clipping blades
7. Speed switch (Hi – higher speed
for more effective shaving and
cutting harder hair, Low – gentler
shaving and cutting hair)
8. On/Off button
9. Display (displays the percentage of battery
10. Socket
11. Charging station
12. Power cord with a transformer (may be
connected both directly to the shaver and to
the charging station)
If the appliance's battery charge is low or the battery is totally discharged, it needs charging. Insert the
power supply cord into the appliance and connect the power supply unit to the electrical grid.
The charging indicator of the appliance will then display its charging status. If the appliance is totally
discharged, the indication of its charging status may be delayed. This delay should be no longer than 2
Having connected the appliance to the charger, you may continue using the appliance. However, do
not use the appliance in the vicinity of baths, showers, swimming pools or similar water tanks.
Place the shaving attachment on the main body of the appliance.
Switch the shaver on with the On/Off button.
Move the shaver across the skin surface, making circular movements.
Clean the shaving head after each use with the provided brush.
The appliance may be used for wet or dry shaving. If you use shaving foam or gel, rinse the shaver
regularly under a stream of tap water to prevent the shaving head from “clogging.
Note: Each shaver requires the skin and hair growth to adjust to the blade system applied. The first
shaves may not be perfectly accurate and the skin may be irritated. The adjustment period may last up
to 3 weeks.
Make sure the appliance is switched off and not connected to the charger.
Clean the shaving film and the shaver blades after each use of the shaver. Use the brush for this
purpose. The blades may be rinsed under running water.
Clean the appliance regularly with due care. Press the button opening the housing of the shaving
heads. Remove all hair from the inside. Turn the ring mounting the blade heads to the left. Remove the
ring. Remove and clean each head and set of blades.
Note: place the blades in the heads they have been removed from (each blade is assigned to a
respective head, and if used in another head, the blade may be less effective or even get damaged).
Having cleaned the heads, place them in the housing along with the blades (pay attention to the cuts
and grooves), insert the mounting ring and close it by turning it to the right.
Place the trimmer attachment onto the main body of the appliance. Switch the shaver on with the
On/Off button. Move the appliance slowly over your hair. It is recommended to shave “against the
grain”, against the direction of the hair growth.
Place the trimmer attachment on the main body of the appliance.
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Mieczysław Bondarenko 09-01-2022
Bună ziua, nu pot atașa capacul cu lamele de tăiere pe corpul capului. L-am scos să-l spăl.

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Marcă Blaupunkt
Model MSR801
Categorie Aparate de ras
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 14.79 MB

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În ce direcție ar trebui să mă bărbieresc? Verificat

În majoritatea cazurilor se recomandă bărbierirea cu direcția creșterii părului. Acest lucru reduce riscul apariției pielii iritate și a părului încarnat.

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Care este diferența dintre capurile de bărbierit vibrante și rotative? Verificat

Aceasta este în mare parte o chestiune de nevoi și preferințe personale, dar, în general, se poate spune că lamele din capurile vibratoare ale aparatului de bărbierit se mișcă mai repede și, prin urmare, oferă rezultate mai rapide. Un cap de ras rotativ poate ajunge mai ușor la anumite zone ale feței.

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Manual Blaupunkt MSR801 Aparat de ras

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