Manual Delimano KEGS5812-GS Joy Fierbător

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replacing accessories or during cleaning.
11. Intended for water heating and boiling only. Do not heat any other liquid or make any drinks in the
12. To protect against a re, electric shock or personal injury, do not immerse cord, electric plug or
kettle in water or other liquids.
13. While water is boiling, or just after the water has been boiled, avoid contacting steam from the
14. Always take care to pour boiling water slowly and carefully without tipping the kettle too fast.
15. This device can be used by children aged from 8 years and above as well as by persons with
reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have
been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the device in a safe way and understand
the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance
should not be done by children unless they are older than 8 and supervised.
16. Do not touch the hot surface. Use the handle or the button.
17. The base and kettle can not be used for other than intended use.
18. Extreme caution must be used when moving an appliance containing hot water or with other bases
or kettles. The appliance is only to be used with types that are marked on the appliance.
19. The appliance is not a toy. Do not let the children play with it.
20. The use of accessories, which are not recommended by the appliance manufacturer, may result in
re, electric shock or personal injury.
21. Do not attempt any modication or repair by yourself and ensure that any repair is conducted only
by appropriately qualied technician.
22. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced immediately by authorized and qualied person
23. Unplug from the power supply when not in use.
24. Always ensure the lid is closed and do not lift it while the water is boiling.
25. Wash and dry thoroughly before rst use.
26. To disconnect the device, lift power switch up to turn the device o (if needed) and unplug the
power cable from power supply.
27. Do not overll the kettle above MAX line.
28. If you accidentally turn ON the kettle without water, the boil-dry protection will automatically switch
it o. If this should occur, allow the kettle to cool down before lling with cold water and further use.
29. In order to avoid a hazard due to inadvertent resetting of the thermal cut-out, this appliance must
not be supplied through an external switching device, such as a timer, or connected to a circuit that
is regularly switched on and o by the utility.
30. Although the product has been checked its usage and consequences are strictly user responsibility.
The Delimano Joy Glass Kettle contains the following parts for following functions:
Pic. 1 (see: PICTURES, Pic. 1)
1. Filter
2. Lid
3. Lid opening button
4. Handle
5. Power switch
6. Base
7. Power cable
8. Light
9. Body
If you are using the kettle for the rst time, it is recommended that you should clean your kettle before use by boiling the max capacity (1,7 l) of water once and then discarding the water.
Wipe the surface with damp cloth.
1. Place the unit on the at and heat resistant surface.
2. To ll the kettle, remove it from the base and open the lid by pressing the lid release button, ll with the desired amount of water, and then rmly close the lid.
3. NOTE: Always ll the kettle between the minimum (0.5L) and maximum (1.7L) marks. E
4. Position the kettle on the base.
5. Insert the power cable into power supply. Press down the power switch (light will turn on).
6. When water starts to boil the kettle will automatically switch o. Lift the kettle from the base and pour out the water.
NOTE: Don’t open the lid while the water in the kettle is hot and you are pouring it carefully out.
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Marcă Delimano
Model KEGS5812-GS Joy
Categorie Fierbătoare
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Mărime fișier 1.49 MB

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Echipa noastră de asistență caută informații utile despre produs și răspunde la întrebările frecvente. Dacă descoperiți o inexactitate în întrebările frecvente, vă rugăm să ne anunțați utilizând formularul de contact.

Pentru ce este sită în ceainicul meu? Verificat

Aceasta este pentru a prinde orice calcar liber care s-ar fi putut acumula în timp.

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Ceainicul nu se termină și continuă să fiarbă, ce ar trebui să fac? Verificat

În multe cazuri, capacul fierbătorului nu a fost închis corect. Dacă se lasă să scape căldură, fierbătorul va fierbe în continuare. Dacă acest lucru nu rezolvă problema, trebuie să contactați producătorul sau un mecanic.

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Pot fierbe mai puțin decât cantitatea minimă de apă? Verificat

Nu. Când fierbe mai puțin decât cantitatea minimă de apă, este posibil ca senzorul de temperatură să nu funcționeze corect. Acest lucru ar putea împiedica fierbătorul să se oprească la punctul de fierbere, rezultând situații posibil periculoase.

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Pot fierbe mai mult decât cantitatea maximă de apă? Verificat

Nu. Când fierbeți mai mult decât cantitatea maximă de apă, fierbătorul s-ar putea revărsa. Acest lucru ar putea duce la situații posibil periculoase.

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Este eficient să umpleți un ceainic cu apă fierbinte de la robinet? Verificat

Nu. Pentru a aduce apă caldă la robinet, este adesea necesar să lăsați mai întâi apa rece, care va fi irosită. De asemenea, conductele vor umple aceeași cantitate de apă fierbinte care nu va fi folosită și se va răci, ceea ce duce la pierderi de energie. Prin urmare, este mai bine să umpleți un ceainic cu apă rece.

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Manual Delimano KEGS5812-GS Joy Fierbător

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