Manual Florabest IAN 86156 Scarificator

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Children should be supervised to
prevent them from playing with
the appliance.
Put on the blade cover when the
unit is not in use.
Assembly (see picture)
1. Screw together the two parts of the han-
dle (1a + 1b)
2. Screw the stem (1) onto the blade cylin-
der (2) and secure the screw connection
with the locknut (4), spring ring (5) and
washer (6).
3. Remove the blade cover (3) before us-
ing the unit.
Operating instructions
Scarifying is best done in spring be-
cause the lawn is particularly ready to
regenerate at that time.
Scarifying becomes easier the shorter
you cut the lawn beforehand.
Do not work on a wet lawn.
Move the unit across the lawn such that
it does not cut into the ground for more
than 1-2 cm.
After scarifying is a good time to fertilise
the lawn and to sow any bald patches.
Cleaning and storage
Wear gloves when handling the
blade cylinder.
Do not use hard or pointed objects
for cleaning. These could damage
the equipment.
When you are nished, remove all
plant debris from the wheels and the
blade cylinder. Do not use hard or
pointed tools since they might damage
the unit.
When you are nished, replace the
blade cover over the blades on the cyl-
inder and hook the metal bows into the
Keep the unit out of the reach of chil-
Waste disposal and en-
vironmental protection
Return the tool, accessories and packag-
ing to a recycling centre when you have
nished with them.
Hand over the device at an utilization loca-
tion. Ask our Service-Center for details.
Technical specications
Working width .................32 cm
Total length of handle ..................180 cm
Weight ....................................... 2.5 kg
Dear Customer,
This equipment is provided with a 3-year
guarantee from the date of purchase.
In case of defects, you have statutory rights
against the seller of the product. These
statutory rights are not restricted by our
guarantee presented below.
Terms of Guarantee
The term of the guarantee begins on the
date of purchase. Please retain the original
receipt. This document is required as proof
of purchase.
If a material or manufacturing defect
occurs within three years of the date of
purchase of this product, we will repair or
replace – at our choice – the product for
you free of charge. This guarantee requires
the defective equipment and proof of pur-
chase to be presented within the three-year
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Marcă Florabest
Model IAN 86156
Categorie Scarificatoare
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 0.52 MB

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Cel mai bun sezon pentru a grebla o peluză este în timpul toamnei. Acest lucru va curăța peluza pentru iarnă. Procesul poate fi repetat în timpul primăverii, când temperaturile nocturne nu scad sub punctul de îngheț. Acest lucru va face ca iarba să absoarbă mai mult oxigen și substanțe nutritive.

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