Manual Florabest IAN 86156 Scarificator

Ai nevoie de un manual pentru Florabest IAN 86156 Scarificator? Mai jos puteți vizualiza și descărca manualul PDF gratuit în limba română. Acest produs are în prezent 1 întrebare frecventă, 0 comentarii și are 0 voturi. Dacă acesta nu este manualul dorit, vă rugăm să ne contactați.

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period with a brief written description of
what constitutes the defect and when it oc-
If the defect is covered by our guarantee,
you will receive either the repaired product
or a new product. No new guarantee pe-
riod begins on repair or replacement of the
Guarantee Period and Statutory
Claims for Defects
The guarantee period is not extended by
the guarantee service. This also applies for
replaced or repaired parts. Any damages
and defects already present at the time of
purchase must be reported immediately af-
ter unpacking. Repairs arising after expiry
of the guarantee period are chargeable.
Guarantee Cover
The equipment has been carefully pro-
duced in accordance with strict quality
guidelines and conscientiously checked
prior to delivery.
The guarantee applies for all material and
manufacturing defects. This guarantee
does not extend to cover product parts that
are subject to normal wear and may there-
fore be considered as wearing parts (e.g.
lters or attachments) or to cover damage
to breakable parts (e.g. switches, batteries,
or parts made of glass).
This guarantee shall be invalid if the prod-
uct has been damaged, used incorrectly or
not maintained. Precise adherence to all of
the instructions specied in the operating
manual is required for proper use of the
product. Intended uses and actions against
which the operating manual advises or
warns must be categorically avoided.
The product is designed only for private
and not commercial use. The guarantee
will be invalidated in case of misuse or
improper handling, use of force, or inter-
ventions not undertaken by our authorised
service branch.
Processing in Case of Guarantee
To ensure quick handling of you issue,
please follow the following directions:
Please have the receipt and item
number (e.g. IAN 12345) ready as
proof of purchase for all enquiries.
Please nd the item number on the rat-
ing plate, an engraved plate on the
front page of your manual (bottom left)
or as a sticker on the back or bottom.
Should functional errors or other de-
fects occur, please initially contact the
service department specied below by
telephone or by e-mail. You will then re-
ceive further information on the process-
ing of your complaint.
After consultation with our customer
service, a product recorded as defective
can be sent postage paid to the service
address communicated to you, with the
proof of purchase (receipt) and speci-
cation of what constitutes the defect
and when it occurred. In order to avoid
acceptance problems and additional
costs, please be sure to use only the
address communicated to you. Ensure
that the consignment is not sent carriage
forward or by bulky goods, express or
other special freight. Please send the
equipment inc. all accessories supplied
at the time of purchase and ensure ad-
equate, safe transport packaging.
Repair Service
For a charge, repairs not covered by the
guarantee can be carried out by our serv-
ice branch, which will be happy to issue a
cost estimate for you.
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Înțelegem că este plăcut să aveți un manual pe hârtie pentru Florabest IAN 86156 Scarificator. Puteți oricând descărca manualul de pe site-ul nostru web și îl puteți imprima singur. Dacă doriți să aveți un manual original, vă recomandăm să contactați Florabest. S-ar putea să ofere un manual original. Căutați manualul dvs. Florabest IAN 86156 Scarificator într-o altă limbă? Alegeți limba preferată pe pagina noastră de pornire și căutați numărul de model pentru a vedea dacă îl avem disponibil.


Marcă Florabest
Model IAN 86156
Categorie Scarificatoare
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 0.52 MB

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Întrebări frecvente despre Florabest IAN 86156 Scarificator

Echipa noastră de asistență caută informații utile despre produs și răspunde la întrebările frecvente. Dacă descoperiți o inexactitate în întrebările frecvente, vă rugăm să ne anunțați utilizând formularul de contact.

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Cel mai bun sezon pentru a grebla o peluză este în timpul toamnei. Acest lucru va curăța peluza pentru iarnă. Procesul poate fi repetat în timpul primăverii, când temperaturile nocturne nu scad sub punctul de îngheț. Acest lucru va face ca iarba să absoarbă mai mult oxigen și substanțe nutritive.

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Manual Florabest IAN 86156 Scarificator

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