Manual Maestro MR658 Aparat de tuns

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bath or sink.
- Do not use while bathing or in a shower.
- Do not place the appliance on any surface while it is operating.
- Never drop or insert any object into any opening on this appliance
WARNING! Do not use this appliance with a damaged or broken
comb nor with teeth missing from the blades as injury may occur.
- Before use, make sure certain blades are oiled and aligned
- Do not cut wet hair, before cutting dry and comb hair.
- Do not cut hair when there are dermatitis.
- Do not use this appliance for grooming pets.
- Do not use it for commercial purpose.
Actions in extreme situations
- If your device has fallen into water or water has penetrated it,
immediately disconnect it from the mains without contacting the
device itself or the water.
- If there appears smoke, sparkling, strong smell of burning
isolation, immediately stop using the device, disconnect the device
from the mains and apply to the nearest service center.
Before startup
- Remove all wrap materials and stickers
- Make sure that all the parts of appliance don’t have damages.
Blade alignment
- Your Clippers were carefully examined to ensure that the
blade were oiled and aligned before leaving our factory.
- Blades must be realigned if they have been removed for cleaning
or replacement.
- To realign the blades, simple match the upper and bottom
blades teeth up, point for point. (End of top blade teeth should
be approximately 1.2mm back from bottom blade. Compare your
clipper blade with the Picture 2 (page 2).
- If blade alignment is correct, add a few drops of oil to the blades,
turn clipper on for a few moments, turn off and unplug. Loosen
screws slightly and adjust. Tighten the screws after blade is aligned.
- To maintain your clipper in peak condition, the blades should be
oiled every few haircuts.
- Do not use hair oil, grease oil mixed with kerosene or any solvent,
as the solvent will evaporate and leave the thick oil which may slow
down the blades motion.
- Add a few drops of oil to the blades, turn clipper on for a few
moments, turn off and unplug. Wipe off any excess oil.
Blade lever
-The lever is conveniently located near your thumb (if you’re right-
handed) so it can readily be adjusted while the clipper is in your
-The lever adds versatility to your clipper by allowing you to
gradually change the closeness of your cut without an attachment
-When the lever is in the uppermost position, the blades will give
you the closest cut and -leave the hair very short. Pushing the lever
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Marcă Maestro
Model MR658
Categorie Aparate de tuns
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 0.89 MB

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Echipa noastră de asistență caută informații utile despre produs și răspunde la întrebările frecvente. Dacă descoperiți o inexactitate în întrebările frecvente, vă rugăm să ne anunțați utilizând formularul de contact.

Ce înseamnă dimensiunile tunsorului? Verificat

Dimensiunile tăietorului indică, în general, cantitatea de păr care va rămâne după tăiere. Cu cât numărul este mai mare, cu atât tunsoarea este mai lungă.

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Pot folosi o tunsă pe părul ud? Verificat

Nu folosiți niciodată o mașină de tuns pe părul ud. Tunsorul de păr se poate bloca și poate provoca durere. Apa poate provoca ruginirea lamei tunsorului.

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Manual Maestro MR658 Aparat de tuns

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