Manual Philips HB601 Aparat de bronzat

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Professional Line tanning appliance with integrated facial tanning unit
This Philips Professional Line tanning appliance provides professional tanning results and reliable performance at outstanding value for money.
The special frosted acrylic sheets merge the light given off by each of the tubes without compromising an effective tanning process, immersing
users in a soft sea of light rather than surrounding them with a battery of naked tubes.The design of the couch and the canopy gives users
increased freedom of movement while ensuring optimal side tanning.
It comes with a control panel with special menus that give you full control of the appliance and all its features and functions.With this control
panel you can determine which settings the user can adjust and to what extent.The appliance has a 40-minute timer (HB604/6000SX has a 24-
minute timer) to prevent overexposure.
Meaning of the symbol
Tanning appliances provided with this symbol are intended for use in tanning salons, beauty salons and similar premises only.
Check if the voltage indicated on the appliance corresponds to the local mains voltage before you connect the appliance.
This appliance requires a mains voltage of 230 volts.
This appliance must be connected to a three-phase power supply that is protected with 16A standard fuses or automatic fuses.
A high mains impedance may result in noticeable light intensity changes from light bulbs when the tanning appliance is switched on.
To fulfil the legal EMC requirements on this point, the modulus of the mains impedance has to be lower than 0.3 ohm. For information,
contact your utility.
If you require another type of plug than the one fitted to the appliance, please contact a registered electrician.
This appliance may only be installed by a registered electrician.
If the mains cord is damaged, it must be replaced by Philips, a service centre authorised by Philips or similarly qualified persons in order
to avoid a hazard.
Water and electricity are a dangerous combination! Do not use this appliance in wet surroundings (e.g. near a shower or swimming pool).
Make sure the cord does not become trapped under one of the legs when you move the appliance.
Make sure the vents to cool the tanning lamps in the canopy and in the couch remain open during use.
Make sure there is an adequate supply of fresh air to the room where the tanning appliance is used.
Do not let children use the tanning appliance.
As owner of this tanning appliance, you should give your customers the following instructions.
For your convenience we have also included these instructions in a separate section that can be cut out of this manual and can be made available
to customers.
Never use the appliance when the control panel or an acrylic sheet is defective.
Do not exceed the recommended tanning time and the maximum number of tanning hours (see 'Tanning sessions: how often and how
Always wear the protective goggles provided with the appliance while tanning to protect your eyes against overexposure (also see the
chapter 'Tanning and your health').
Do not tan a particular part of your body more than once a day.Avoid excessive exposure to natural sunlight on the same day.
Do not use the tanning appliance if you have a disease and/or use medication or cosmetics that increase the sensitivity of your skin.
Be extra careful if you are hypersensitive to UV light. Consult your doctor in case of doubt.
Do not use the tanning appliance and consult your doctor if unexpected effects such as itching occur within 48 hours after the first
Consult your doctor if persistent lumps or sores appear on the skin, or if there are changes in pigmented moles.
Do not use the tanning appliance if you get sunburnt without tanning when exposed to the sun, if you suffer from sunburn, if you suffer
(or have previously suffered) from skin cancer or are predisposed to skin cancer.
Remove creams, lipstick and other cosmetics well in advance of a tanning session.
Do not use any sunscreens or suntan accelerators.
If your skin feels taut after the tanning session, you may apply a moisturising cream.
Noise level: Lc = 72 dB [A]
Tanning and your health
As owner of this tanning appliance, you should give your customers the following information.
For your convenience we have also included this information in a separate section that can be cut out of this manual and can be made available to
Overexposure to ultraviolet light (natural sunlight or artificial light from a tanning appliance) can cause sunburn.
Besides many other factors, such as overexposure to natural sunlight, incorrect and excessive use of a tanning appliance may increase the risk of
skin and eye problems.The degree to which these effects occur is determined by the nature, intensity and duration of the exposure on the one
hand and the sensitivity of the person involved on the other hand.
The more the skin and the eyes are exposed to UV light, the higher the risk of keratitis, conjunctivitis, damage to the retina, cataracts, premature
skin ageing and the development of skin tumours will be. Some medications and cosmetics increase the sensitivity of the skin.
Therefore it is highly important:
that you follow the instructions in the chapters 'Important' and 'Tanning sessions: how often and how long?';
that you do not exceed the maximum number of tanning hours per year (see 'Tanning sessions: how often and how long?');
that you always wear the goggles provided while tanning.
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Marcă Philips
Model HB601
Categorie Aparate de bronzat
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Mărime fișier 1.29 MB

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Echipa noastră de asistență caută informații utile despre produs și răspunde la întrebările frecvente. Dacă descoperiți o inexactitate în întrebările frecvente, vă rugăm să ne anunțați utilizând formularul de contact.

Pot folosi un șezlong dacă iau medicamente? Verificat

Anumite medicamente pot provoca o reacție alergică sub influența luminii de pe șezlong. Dacă aveți dubii, contactați medicul.

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Cât de des și cât de mult pot folosi un șezlong? Verificat

Nu se recomandă utilizarea unui șezlong de mai mult de 2 până la 3 ori pe săptămână. Mai mult de 25 de minute pe sesiune pot provoca leziuni ale pielii. Consultați întotdeauna medicul dumneavoastră sau un specialist pentru o utilizare corectă pentru tipul de piele.

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Manual Philips HB601 Aparat de bronzat

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