Manual SilverCrest IAN 270210 Incărcător auto

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V 1.0
USB is a registered trademark.
Other names and products may be the trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Thank you for purchasing a SilverCrest product. The SilverCrest
USB car charger adapter SUKL 221 A1, hereinafter referred to
as charger adapter, is used to supply power to devices with a
USB socket. You can supply power to two USB devices at the
same time.
Intended use
This charger adapter is not designed for commercial use or
operation in a company, but solely for private purposes in cars,
caravans or camping vehicles with 12V / 24V vehicle
equipment. Any other use is not as intended.
This charger adapter meets all relevant norms and standards in
conjunction with CE conformity. In the event of any
modification to the charger adapter that was not approved by
the manufacturer, compliance with these standards is no longer
guaranteed. The manufacturer does not accept any liability for
any resulting damage or faults in such cases.
Please observe the regulations and laws in the country of use.
Supplied items
A. SilverCrest USB car charger adapter SUKL 221 A1
B. These operating instructions (symbolic
Technical data
Dimensions (length x ) approx. 49 x 25mm
Weight approx. 15g
Input connection car power plug
Output connection 2 USB A sockets
Input voltage 12V / 24V
Output voltage 5V
Output current max. 2.1A
Protection Short-circuit proof
Operating temperature 5°C to +35°C
Air humidity (rel. air
humidity) max. 85%
The technical data and design may be changed without
Safety instructions
Before using the charger adapter for the first time, please read
the following instructions carefully, even if you are familiar with
handling electronic devices. Store these operating instructions
in a safe place for future reference. If you pass on the charger
adapter, be sure to always include
these operating instructions. They are an integral part of the
DANGER! This symbol indicates an imminent
dangerous situation which, if not prevented, could
result in serious injury or even death.
WARNING! This symbol indicates important
information for safe operation of the device and
the safety of the user.
This symbol indicates other important information
on the topic.
Operating environment
The charger adapter may be used only within a vehicle, and
must not be used outdoors. The device is not designed for use
in environments with a high temperature or humidity, and must
be kept free from dust. Operating temperatures and operating
air humidity: 5°C to +35°C, max. 85% rel. air humidity.
DANGER! Ensure that
no direct heat sources (e.g. heating) can affect the charger
adapter because it may be damaged otherwise.
the charger adapter is not exposed to direct sunlight or
bright artificial light because it may be damaged otherwise.
no fire sources (e.g. burning candles) are placed on or near
the charger adapter; there is a risk of fire.
no foreign objects penetrate the device because there is a
risk of a short circuit.
contact with sprayed and dripping water and corrosive
liquids is prevented and the charger adapter is never
operated near water; in particular, it should never be
immersed (do not place any objects filled with liquids, e.g.
vases or drinks, on or near the charger adapter; there is a
risk of fire or a short circuit).
the charger adapter is not exposed to extreme temperature
fluctuations as this could result in condensation and electrical
short circuits; there is a risk of fire. If the charger adapter was
subjected to extreme temperature fluctuations, however, wait
(approx. 2 hours) until it has reached ambient temperature
before use.
DANGER! Children and persons
with disabilities
Electrical devices do not belong in the hands of children.
Persons with limited physical, mental or sensory abilities should
also only use electrical devices appropriately. Never allow
children or persons with disabilities to use electrical devices
unsupervised. They may not recognise potential risks. Small
parts can be fatal if swallowed.
Always keep plastic packaging out of reach also. It
poses a suffocation risk.
2 Power LED
3 USB socket
First use
WARNING! The overall power of the charger
adapter is 2.1A. Make sure that the total power
consumption of all connected devices does not
exceed this value.
Insert the plug (1) of the charger adapter into the power
outlet of your vehicle.
The power LED (2) lights up as soon as the charger adapter
is supplied with power.
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Marcă SilverCrest
Model IAN 270210
Categorie Incărcătoare auto
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 1.88 MB

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