Manual Wood's WCD2 Pro Dezumidificator

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Operating Instructions
Flammable material. This
appliance contains R290/Propane a
ammable refrigerant.
Refer operators manual.
Read technical manual
Read operators manual.
Before the installation and use
of the appliance, carefully read
the supplied instructions. The
manufacturer is not responsible
if an incorrect installation and
use causes injuries and damages.
Always keep the instructions with
the appliance for future reference.
Children and vulnerable people
Risk of injury or permanent
This appliance can be used by
children aged 8 years and above
and persons with reduced physical,
sensory or mental capabilities or
lack of experience and knowledge
if they have been given supervision
or instruction concerning use of
the appliance in a safe way and
understand the hazards involved.
Do not let children play with the
Children of less than 3 years should
be kept away unless continuously
Keep all packaging away from
Cleaning and user maintenance
shall not be made by children
without supervision.
General Safety
This appliance is intended for
use in large and open spaces. For
the building, and warehouses, in
shops, oces and other working
environments. The rating plate is
located behind the water tank of
the dehumidier.
Keep ventilation openings clear of
Do not use mechanical devices
or other means to accelerate the
defrosting process, other than
those recommended by the
The appliance shall not be stored
in a room where ignition sources
are operating continously (open
ames, working gas appliance or
an operation electric heater. Do
not pierce or burn.
Be aware that refrigerants may
not contain an odour. Do not use
water spray and steam to clean the
appliance. Clean the appliance with
a moist soft cloth. Only use neutral
detergents. Do not use abrasive
products, abrasive cleaning pads,
solvents or metal objects.
If the supply cord is damaged,
it must be replaced by the
manufacturer, its Authorised
Service Centre or similarly qualied
persons in order to avoid a hazard.
Only a qualied person must install
this appliance.
Remove all the packaging.
Do not install or use a damaged
appliance. The appliance shall not
be stored, operated and stored
in a room with a oor area larger
than 4m². Obey the installation
instruction supplied with the
appliance. Always be careful when
you move the appliance because it
is heavy. Always wear safety gloves.
Make sure the air can circulate
around the appliance.
The dehumidier should be
transported according to the
instructions (see separate info).
If the dehumidier has been
transported according to the
instructions, the dehumidier
can be started immediately after
If the dehumidier has not
been transported according to
instructions wait at least 4 hours
before connecting the appliance
to the power supply. This is to
allow the oil to ow back in the
Do not install the appliance close
to radiators or other heat sources.
Do not install the appliance where
there is direct sunlight.
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Marcă Woods
Model WCD2 Pro
Categorie Dezumidificatoare
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 3.83 MB

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Întrebări frecvente despre Wood's WCD2 Pro Dezumidificator

Echipa noastră de asistență caută informații utile despre produs și răspunde la întrebările frecvente. Dacă descoperiți o inexactitate în întrebările frecvente, vă rugăm să ne anunțați utilizând formularul de contact.

Pot să-mi pornesc dezumidificatorul imediat după cumpărare? Verificat

Nu, la fel ca un frigider sau un congelator, dispozitivul ar trebui să stea în poziție verticală timp de cel puțin 2 ore, dar preferabil 24 de ore înainte de al porni pentru prima dată.

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Care este umiditatea ideală pentru un spațiu de locuit? Verificat

Umiditatea ideală într-o casă este între 40-60%. La o umiditate mai mare sau mai mică, ciupercile, bacteriile și virusurile sunt mai susceptibile de a se dezvolta și puteți experimenta disconfort personal.

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Cum pot transporta corect dezumidificatorul? Verificat

Dezumidificatoarele trebuie transportate întotdeauna în poziție verticală și bine protejate. Orice alt mod de transport poate cauza deteriorarea dispozitivului.

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Manual Wood's WCD2 Pro Dezumidificator

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