Manual Zelmer ZMM5598W Tocator carne

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Remove the pusher (8) and remove the shredder bowl
with an adaptor (7b) from the mincer body or the juicer body
(in case of the citrus juicer separately remove the squeezer
and screen) (disassemble the adapter in the reverse order
in which it was assembled) or the shredder tray off the
shredder chamber.
Press the lock button, turn the mincing unit, the shredder
body (or the citrus juicer bowl) to the right and remove it.
In case of the citrus juicer take out the clutch from the
Dismantle the elements of the mincing unit, the body with
the sausage ller nozzle, the juicer body or the shredder.
Store the clean and dry screens in the compartment. In order
to do so:
Open the compartment on the back of the housing.
Press the compartment lock on both sides and pull
(as shown earlier).
Store up to two screens and close the compartment and
the back lid.
Put away the cord, pushing it gently through the opening.
Place the plug in the compartment.
Cleaning and maintenance
Wipe the motor with a damp cloth with dishwashing
Wash plastic elements in warm soapy water or in the
dishwasher according to the denotations.
Wash metal elements in hot soapy water.
Dry all elements thoroughly.
Assemble dry elements of the mincer body or the
Dispose of packaging in an environmentally-
friendly manner. This appliance is labelled
in accordance with European Directive
2012/19/EU concerning used electrical and
electronic appliances (waste electrical and
electronic equipment WEEE). The guideline
determines the framework for the return and recycling of
used appliances as applicable throughout the EU. Please
ask your specialist retailer about current disposal facilities.
The manufacturer does not accept any liability for any damages
resulting from unintended use or inappropriate handling.
The manufacturer reserves his rights for modifying the product any
time in order to adjust it to law regulations, norms, directives, or due
to construction, trade aesthetic or other reasons, without notifying it
in advance.
The grinder does not requires the cleaning after each
operation (if it`s grinded one kind of product), cause the
worm prevents falling the seeds residues into grinder. Dry
the steel quern (4, 5) using a soft cloth after cleaning to
prevent corrosion. In case of long-term storage, conserve
the quern by greasing them (you can use edible oil). Do not
immerse the quern into boiling water. The part of plastic
(don`t containing the graphic) can be washed in the dish-
washer (max. of 60°C).
Citrus juicer
The citrus juicer is an additional appliance, which enables to
squeeze juice from citrus fruits together with the pulp.
Construction of the appliance:
Open the lid of the compartment on the back of the
housing, which enables to operate the appliance in a vertical
position. Place the appliance on a hard, even surface.
Slide the coupling onto the drive.
Fix the bowl to the motor and turn left until you hear
a click. It means that the bowl has been properly installed.
Attach the screen and the squeezer to the protruding
part of the bowl.
Prepare the fruits by cutting them into halves.
Plug in the appliance.
Switch on the appliance using the „I” switch (1a) and
place the fruit on the squeezer with the pulp facing the
Push to start the squeezing process.
In case the sieve is blocked with the pulp of
extracted fruit, it is necessary to switch off the
appliance, disassemble the sieve and empty it,
as the excess of the pulp can cause leakage to
the motor chamber of the appliance.
The citrus juicer spins during operation. Pay
special attention to your ngers while pushing
the fruits on the squeezer.
After operation
Switch off and unplug the appliance.
Remove the pusher (8) and take out the tray (7a) from
the mincer body or the juicer body (in case of the citrus juicer
separately remove the squeezer and screen) or the shredder
tray off the shredder chamber.
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Marcă Zelmer
Model ZMM5598W
Categorie Tocatoare de carne
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 3.3 MB

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Echipa noastră de asistență caută informații utile despre produs și răspunde la întrebările frecvente. Dacă descoperiți o inexactitate în întrebările frecvente, vă rugăm să ne anunțați utilizând formularul de contact.

Poate fi folosit un tocător de carne și pentru alte articole decât carnea? Verificat

Acest lucru depinde de marcă și model, dar unele mașini de tocat carne pot fi folosite și pentru legume fierte, piure de roșii sau pentru aluat.

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Cât de mic trebuie să tai carnea înainte să o pot pune în mașina de tocat carne? Verificat

Acest lucru depinde de mașina de tocat carne, dar, în general, carnea trebuie tăiată în benzi de 10 cm lungime și 2 cm grosime.

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Pot pune carne congelată în mașina de tocat carne? Verificat

Nu, carnea trebuie dezghețată complet înainte de a putea fi introdusă în mașina de tocat carne.

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Manual Zelmer ZMM5598W Tocator carne

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