Manual Zelmer ZMM5598W Tocator carne

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The pusher (11) is intended for use only with the
dicing insert. Never use the pusher (11) without
the dicing insert (10) placed on the body (6).
Cut large products into smaller pieces that can
easily t into the dicing insert (10).
When nished, turn off and unplug the appliance.
Remove any food remaining in the drum or dicing insert
using a wooden spoon.
Disassemble the cube cutter.
To remove the dicing insert (10) rst pull out
the feed tray (7).
Never use the appliance for dicing any raw
If the products are too soft (overcooked), they
may not be diced as well as intended.
Quern grinder
Quern regulator
Body with handle
Internal quern
External quern
Grinder chamber
The groove of the body has to hit the protrusion of the
grind chamber
Presented device can be used to grinding such products as:
corns, oily seeds and the dry comestibles.
The quern grinder enables grinding of such products as:
wheat, oat, rice, granular coffee, all-spice, charlock, walnuts,
hazel-nuts dried mushrooms, almonds, soya. linseed,
buckwheat groats, peeled sunower seeds etc.
Don`t grind the oily products by the minimal
granulation set up. Grinding device can be
glued or blocked.
Device is not dedicated for grinding the very
hard products as f. e. dried pea, maize, popcorn.
When the grinder chamber is turned right through the
angle of 45, put the assembled grinder on the drive by putting
the protrusions of grinder chamber (VII) on the recesses of
the drive, and then, turn left to the position in which you will
hear “clicking” of the blocking. It means that the grinder has
been assembled correctly.
Before the rst use, wash (see “CLEANING”) and dry
a disassembled grinder, and then grind around 50 grams of
product (f. e. corns) - set-up the grinding option of the device
with the medium comminute. The grinded product is not t
to use cause it` s polluted and its necessary throw it away.
Maximal time of uninterrupted work is around
15 minutes. This condition is connected with
maximal work time of machine, for which it
should be done the 45 minutes of pause after
15 minutes of operation.
The devices cannot operate without loading.
Each time before staring the device, ll it up
with product.
Fill the pan (8) with grain.
Set the body handle (3) to coarse grinding.
Turn on the mincer motor.
The ground product will pour out through the opening.
Depending on the desired grinding level or the type of
grain, adjust the burr regulator (2) with the body handle in
order to obtain the product with the adequate granulation
level. By turning it clockwise you will obtain a ner ground
product, by turning it counter-clockwise coarser ground
The nest (minimum) grinding level is achieved by setting
the handle to line 1, and the coarsest (maximum) grinding
level by setting it to the STOP line. See the graphic on the
body (3) and burr regulator (2).
By attempting to twist or turn the handle
beyond the STOP line during the operation you
can damage the device.
It` s recommended to set the quern regulator
during the grinder work time between the line
1 and STOP line.
It`s FORBIDDEN to use the REVERSE function
in the machine when the grinder is installed.
Remember about the accurate washing
the grinder before grinding of the different
products. It will permit to avoid the mutual
penetration of odors.
For the soft corns as oat or linseed it`s
necessary to select the coast-grained set up.
Do not look into the grinding chamber during
operation, as the beans which pop out
sometimes, can hurt you (i.e. your eye).
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Marcă Zelmer
Model ZMM5598W
Categorie Tocatoare de carne
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 3.3 MB

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Poate fi folosit un tocător de carne și pentru alte articole decât carnea? Verificat

Acest lucru depinde de marcă și model, dar unele mașini de tocat carne pot fi folosite și pentru legume fierte, piure de roșii sau pentru aluat.

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Cât de mic trebuie să tai carnea înainte să o pot pune în mașina de tocat carne? Verificat

Acest lucru depinde de mașina de tocat carne, dar, în general, carnea trebuie tăiată în benzi de 10 cm lungime și 2 cm grosime.

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Pot pune carne congelată în mașina de tocat carne? Verificat

Nu, carnea trebuie dezghețată complet înainte de a putea fi introdusă în mașina de tocat carne.

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Manual Zelmer ZMM5598W Tocator carne

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