Manual Kärcher K4 Premium Full Control Curatitor presiune

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– 7
Park the appliance on an even surface.
Put the high-pressure hose through the hose guide
from the back.
Push the high pressure hose into the trigger gun
until it locks audibly.
Note: Make sure the connection nipple is aligned
Check the secure connection by pulling on the high
pressure hose.
Unwind the high pressure hose from the hose
Insert the mains plug into the socket.
For connection values, see type plate/technical data.
Impurities in the water can damage the high-pressure
pump and the accessories. For protection, the use of
the KÄRCHER water filter (optional accessory, order
no. 4.730-059) is recommended.
Observe regulations of water supplier.
Hose couplings made of metal with aquastop can dam-
age the pump! Please use plastic couplings or KÄRCH-
ER brass couplings.
Screw the coupling element to the water connec-
tion on the appliance.
Attach the water supply hose to the coupling on the
water connection.
Connect the water supply hose to the water supply.
Completely open the water tap.
This high-pressure cleaner is suited to work with the
KÄRCHER suction hose with backflow valve (Optional
accessory, order no. 2.643-100) to draw in surface wa-
ter, e.g. from water butts or ponds (see specifications for
max. suction height).
Note: With vacuuming operation, the coupling for the
water connection is not required.
Fill the suction hose with water.
Screw the suction hose into the water connection of
the appliance and insert it into the water source
(e.g. rainwater drum).
Bleed the device as follows prior to operation:
Turn on the appliance “I/ON”.
Unlock the lever of the trigger gun.
Push the lever of the trigger gun, the device will
switch on.
Let the device run (max. 2 minutes) until the water
exits the trigger gun without bubbles.
Release the lever of the trigger gun.
Lock the lever of the trigger gun.
Dry running of more than 2 minutes leads to damage of
the high-pressure pump. If the appliance does not build
up pressure within 2 minutes, switch the appliance off
and proceed in accordance with the instructions in
Chapter "Troubleshooting".
Keep a distance of at least 30 cm when using the jet for
cleaning painted surfaces to avoid damage.
Car tyres, paint or sensitive surfaces such as wood
should not be cleaned with the dirt blaster, as there is a
risk of damage.
Select a spray lance suitable for the cleaning task.
Push the spray lance into the trigger gun and fasten
it by a 90° rotation.
Turn on the appliance “I/ON”.
Unlock the lever of the trigger gun.
Push the lever of the trigger gun, the device will
switch on.
Note: Release the lever of the trigger gun; the de-
vice will switch off again. High pressure remains in
the system.
Full Control spray lance Vario Power
Turn the spray lance until the LED of the required
pressure level is on at the pressure indicator of the
trigger gun.
The pressure indicator on the trigger gun shows the cur-
rently set pressure level during operation with a Full
Control spray lance.
Note: The pressure indicator is not significant during
operation with the T-Racer and other accessories.
The sensitivity of the materials can strongly differ de-
pending on the age and the condition. The so-called
recommendations are non-binding.
Start up
Water supply
Water supply from mains
Drawing in water from open reservoirs
High pressure operation
Full Control System
Pressure level For example, recommended for
HARD Stone terraces made of paving
stones or exposed aggregate con-
crete, asphalt, metal surfaces, gar-
den utensils (wheelbarrow, spade,
MEDIUM Motorcar / motorcycle, brick sur-
faces, plastered walls, plastic furni-
SOFT Wooden surfaces, bicycles, sand
stone surfaces, rattan furniture
MIX Operation with detergent
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Herbert Weber 13-03-2019
Bună ziua, am vrut să folosesc pentru prima dată noul meu aparat de curățat cu înaltă presiune Kärcher K4 Premium Full Control. După conectare, apa curge din tamburul de furtun. sau din partea de plastic de mai jos. Există o clemă și o mică parte din plastic (triunghi). Poate cineva să mă ajute cum arată corect. Care este funcția clemei și a triunghiului de plastic gri?

răspuns | A fost util (1) (Tradus de Google)
Suaco 07-05-2019
Cum să înlocuiesc flexibilul, să pun unul mai lung?

răspuns | A fost util (0) (Tradus de Google)

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Marcă Karcher
Model K4 Premium Full Control
Categorie Curatitoare presiune
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 4.55 MB

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Pot folosi mașina de spălat cu presiune pentru a-mi curăța mașina? Verificat

Da, poti. Păstrați mașina de spălat cu presiune la cel puțin 20 de centimetri de mașină și nu depășiți o presiune de 110 Bar.

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Cum păstrez o mașină de spălat cu presiune în timpul iernii? Verificat

O mașină de spălat sub presiune este un produs cu piese prin care curge apa. Goliți-l întotdeauna complet înainte de depozitare pentru a preveni deteriorarea înghețului. Pentru a vă asigura că nu apar daune cauzate de îngheț, cel mai bine este să păstrați o mașină de spălat sub presiune într-un loc fără îngheț.

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Ce înseamnă PSI? Verificat

PSI înseamnă Lira pe inch pătrat, indicând o cantitate de presiune. Cu cât o mașină de spălat cu presiune poate oferi mai mult PSI, cu atât mai puternică poate curăța.

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Manual Kärcher K4 Premium Full Control Curatitor presiune

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