Manual Kärcher K4 Premium Full Control Curatitor presiune

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– 8
Most KÄRCHER detergents can be bought ready to use
in a Plug 'n' Clean detergent bottle.
Note: Detergent can only be added when the device is
operated in low pressure mode.
When using detergents, the material data safety sheet
issued by the detergent manufacturer must be adhered
to, especially the instructions regarding personal pro-
tective equipment.
Remove the cap of the Plug 'n' Clean detergent
* Optional accessories
Push the detergent bottle with the opening pointing
downwards into the connection for the Plug 'n'
Clean detergent.
Use Vario Power spray lance.
Turn the spray lance towards "MIX" until the the
LED "MIX" is on on the pressure indicator of the
trigger gun.
Note: This will mix the detergent with the water
Spray the detergent sparingly on the dry surface
and allow it to react, but not to dry.
Spray off loosened dirt with the high pressure jet.
Remove the Plug 'n' Clean detergent bottle from
the intake and close it with the lid.
For storage, put the detergent bottle into the retain-
er with the cap pointing up.
Release the lever of the trigger gun.
Lock the lever of the trigger gun.
Put the trigger gun with the spray lance into the
parking position.
During longer breaks (more than 5 minutes), also
turn the appliance off using the "0/OFF" switch.
Release the lever of the trigger gun.
Turn off the appliance "0/OFF".
Disconnect the mains plug from the socket.
Only separate the high-pressure hose from the trigger
gun or the device when there is no pressure in the sys-
Turn off tap.
Press the lever of the trigger gun to release any re-
maining pressure in the system.
Release the lever of the trigger gun.
Lock the lever of the trigger gun.
When disconnecting the supply or high pressure hose,
warm water may leak from the connections after opera-
Detach the appliance from the water supply.
Risk of personal injury or damage!
Mind the weight of the appliance during transport.
Lift appliance by the carrying handle and carry it.
Pull out the transport handle until it audibly snaps
into place.
Pull the appliance by its transport handle.
Prior to horizontal transport: Remove the Plug 'n'
Clean detergent bottle from the intake and close it
with the lid.
Secure the appliance against shifting and tipping
Risk of personal injury or damage!
Consider the weight of the appliance when storing it.
Park the machine on an even surface.
Detach spray lance from the trigger gun.
Push the disconnect button on the trigger gun and
pull the high-pressure hose out of the trigger gun.
Place the trigger gun into the storage for the trigger
Put both spray lances into the storage for the spray
Dirt grinder spray lance: Nozzle towards the bot-
Vario Power spray lance: Nozzle towards the top.
Store the mains connection in the accessory com-
Risk of personal injury or damage!
Observe the rotation direction of the hose reel upon coil-
ing up the high-pressure hose.
Coil up the high-pressure hose.
Turn the hose reel in a counter-clockwise direc-
tion using the crank handle.
Prior to extended storage periods, as during the winter,
also observe the instructions in the Care section.
Appliances and accessories that are not completely
drained can be destroyed by frost. Completely drain ap-
pliance and accessories and protect them against frost.
To avoid damage:
Detach the appliance from the water supply.
Detach spray lance from the trigger gun.
Turn on the appliance “I/ON”.
Push the lever of the trigger gun until no more wa-
ter is escaping (approx. 1 min).
Release the lever of the trigger gun.
Lock the lever of the trigger gun.
Turn off the appliance "0/OFF".
Store the appliance and the entire accessories in a
frost free room.
Operation with detergent
Recommended cleaning method
After operation with detergent
Interrupting operation
Finish operation
When transporting by hand
When transporting in vehicles
Storing the Appliance
Frost protection
14 EN
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Herbert Weber 13-03-2019
Bună ziua, am vrut să folosesc pentru prima dată noul meu aparat de curățat cu înaltă presiune Kärcher K4 Premium Full Control. După conectare, apa curge din tamburul de furtun. sau din partea de plastic de mai jos. Există o clemă și o mică parte din plastic (triunghi). Poate cineva să mă ajute cum arată corect. Care este funcția clemei și a triunghiului de plastic gri?

răspuns | A fost util (1) (Tradus de Google)
Suaco 07-05-2019
Cum să înlocuiesc flexibilul, să pun unul mai lung?

răspuns | A fost util (0) (Tradus de Google)

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Marcă Karcher
Model K4 Premium Full Control
Categorie Curatitoare presiune
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 4.55 MB

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Pot folosi mașina de spălat cu presiune pentru a-mi curăța mașina? Verificat

Da, poti. Păstrați mașina de spălat cu presiune la cel puțin 20 de centimetri de mașină și nu depășiți o presiune de 110 Bar.

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Cum păstrez o mașină de spălat cu presiune în timpul iernii? Verificat

O mașină de spălat sub presiune este un produs cu piese prin care curge apa. Goliți-l întotdeauna complet înainte de depozitare pentru a preveni deteriorarea înghețului. Pentru a vă asigura că nu apar daune cauzate de îngheț, cel mai bine este să păstrați o mașină de spălat sub presiune într-un loc fără îngheț.

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Ce înseamnă PSI? Verificat

PSI înseamnă Lira pe inch pătrat, indicând o cantitate de presiune. Cu cât o mașină de spălat cu presiune poate oferi mai mult PSI, cu atât mai puternică poate curăța.

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Manual Kärcher K4 Premium Full Control Curatitor presiune

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