Manual Zelmer ZMM5598W Tocator carne

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Insert the worm (2) into the chamber (1).
Insert the body with the screen onto the worm making
sure that the sieve faces downwards , and the positioning
slot ts into the protrusion in the chamber.
Screw on the nut (4) to attach the body to the chamber (1).
Screw the adjusting screw (6) into the body (3).
Slide the juice channel (5) over the adjusting screw until
it snaps on the body (3) – “click”.
Attach the assembled juicer to the drive unit in the same
way as the mincer body.
Insert the bowl (7a) and the pusher (8) – from the mincer
unit – onto the feeding tube.
Insert the adaptor
into the bowl
. Insert the bowl
(7b) and the pusher (8) from the mincer unit onto the
feeding tube.
Place the appropriate dishes for the juice and pomace
under the outlet of the juice channel (5) and the adjusting
screw (6).
Plug in the appliance.
Turn the appliance on by means of the switch button
(1a), and then feed the fruit, pushing with the pusher.
In order for the juice squeezing process to run
properly do not screw the adjustment screw
too deeply in the initial operation phase. After
assessing the amount of juice in the processed
fruits, adjust the screw in order to obtain an
adequate effectiveness and to avoid clogging
the appliance.
Observe the pomace dryness during squeezing. If it
is too dry, unscrew the adjusting screw (6), to avoid
clogging the appliance with the pomace.
The screw adjustment depends on the type of
processed fruits, in case of juicy and ripe fruits
adjust the screw deeper, and for fruits that
are not as juicy, the level of screw adjustment
should be lower.
If the screw adjustment does not provide an
adequate squeezing effectiveness, you can
process the pomace once again.
The clogging of the chamber outlet (in the
adjustment screw (6)) with the pomace of juicy
fruits can cause the ooding of the drive unit.
Unplug the appliance if the chamber outlet becomes
clogged. Pay special attention on the juice squeezing
process, make sure the screen openings are not
clogged. Disconnect the juicer from the drive unit (as in
the case of the mincer body), dismantle the juicer, clean
(wash) the juicer elements. Use the included brush to
clean the appliance, especially the screen.
Shredder with vegetable cutter
Fine grating disc
Coarse grating disc
Slicing disc
Pureeing disc
Locking tab
Remove the adaptor when using the shredder.
The shredder is equipped with two grating discs for
ne (1) and coarse (2) grates (cheese, carrot, celery,
cooked beetroots etc.). The slicing disc (3) is used to slice
vegetables (potatoes, cucumbers, onions, etc.). The purée
disc (4) is used to purée potatoes, beetroots, fruits, etc.
Dicing insert
The vegetable cube cutter is the shredder’s additional
accessory. It is used for dicing cooked vegetables, such as
potatoes, beetroots, carrots, celery, parsley, etc. Cook all
vegetables before dicing. When cooked, cut large vegetables
into smaller pieces so that they t into the dicing insert (10).
Pull the locking tab (5) and place one of the discs with
the clutch facing the inside of the body.
Snap the tab shut (5).
Assemble the shredder body (6) in the same way as the
mincer body.
Cut larger products into pieces.
Do not grind soft fruits with hard stones.
Switch off and unplug the appliance after operation.
Remove the remaining products from the inside of the
disc or body using a wooden spoon.
The blades of the discs do to require
The blades of the cube cutter drum are
extremely sharp. Handle carefully.
Release the locking tab (5) and t the drum (9) with the
coupling facing the inside of the body.
Snap the locking tab.
Fit the shredder body onto the mincer drive and turn until
it clicks into place.
Fit the feed tray (7) and the dicing insert (10).
Guide the vegetables through the feed tube using the
pusher (11).
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Marcă Zelmer
Model ZMM5598W
Categorie Tocatoare de carne
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 3.3 MB

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Poate fi folosit un tocător de carne și pentru alte articole decât carnea? Verificat

Acest lucru depinde de marcă și model, dar unele mașini de tocat carne pot fi folosite și pentru legume fierte, piure de roșii sau pentru aluat.

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Cât de mic trebuie să tai carnea înainte să o pot pune în mașina de tocat carne? Verificat

Acest lucru depinde de mașina de tocat carne, dar, în general, carnea trebuie tăiată în benzi de 10 cm lungime și 2 cm grosime.

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Pot pune carne congelată în mașina de tocat carne? Verificat

Nu, carnea trebuie dezghețată complet înainte de a putea fi introdusă în mașina de tocat carne.

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Manual Zelmer ZMM5598W Tocator carne

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