Manual AEG BST 18X20 Ferăstrău vertical

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The jigsaw is intended to cut wood, plastic, drywall, and metal.
The product can cut straight lines, curves, and internal cutouts. The
product cuts pipes and can cut ush to a surface.
The product is designed for handheld use.
Do not use the product for any other purpose.
WARNING! Read all safety warnings, instructions,
illustrations and speci cations provided with this power tool.
Failure to follow all instructions listed below may result in electric
shock, re and/or serious injury.
Save all warnings and instructions for future reference.
Hold the power tool by insulated gripping surfaces, when
performing an operation where the cutting accessory may
contact hidden wiring. Cutting accessory contacting a “live” wire
may make exposed metal parts of the power tool “live” and could give
the operator an electric shock.
Use clamps or another practical way to secure and support the
workpiece to a stable platform. Holding the workpiece by hand or
against your body leaves it unstable and may lead to loss of control.
Use the dust collection device or connect a dust extraction
vacuum when operating the product.
Clamp the workpiece with a clamping device. Unclamped workpieces
can cause severe injury and damage.
The product will restart automatically if stalled. Turn o the product
immediately if it stalls. Do not turn on the product again while it is
still stalled, as doing so could trigger a sudden recoil with a high
reactive force. Determine why the product stalled and rectify this,
paying heed to the safety instructions.
The dust produced when using the product may be harmful to
health. Do not inhale the dust. Wear a suitable dust protection
Remove the battery pack before starting any work on the product.
WARNING! To reduce the risk of re, personal injury, and
product damage due to a short circuit, never immerse your tool,
battery pack, or charger in uid or allow uid to ow inside them.
Corrosive or conductive uids, such as seawater, certain industrial
chemicals, and bleach or bleach containing products, etc., can
cause a short circuit.
Do not dispose of used battery packs in the household refuse or
by burning them. AEG distributors o er to retrieve old batteries to
protect our environment.
Battery packs that have not been used for some time should be
recharged before use.
For an optimum lifetime, the battery packs have to be fully charged
after use.
For battery pack storage longer than 30 days:
Store the battery pack where the temperature is below 27°C and
away from moisture.
Store the battery packs in a 30% - 50% charged condition.
Every six months of storage, charge the pack as normal.
Battery pack protection
The battery pack has overload protection that protects it from being
overloaded and helps to ensure long life.
Under extreme stress, the battery electronics turn o the product
automatically. To restart, turn the product o and then on again.
If the product does not start up again, the battery pack may have
discharged completely. Recharge the battery pack.
Transporting lithium batteries
Lithium-ion batteries are subject to the Dangerous Goods
Legislation requirements.
Transportation of those batteries has to be done in accordance with
local, national, and international provisions and regulations.
Batteries can be transported by road without further requirement.
Commercial transport of lithium-ion batteries by third parties is
subject to Dangerous Goods regulations. Transport preparation
and transport are exclusively to be carried out by appropriately
trained persons and the process has to be accompanied by
corresponding experts.
When transporting batteries:
Ensure that the battery contact terminals are protected and
insulated to prevent short circuit.
Ensure that the battery pack is secured against movement within
the packaging.
Do not transport batteries that are cracked or leaking.
Check with the forwarding company for further advice.
See page 2.
1. Handle, insulated gripping surface
2. Lock-off button
3. Variable speed switch trigger
4. Blower switch
5. Blade release lever
6. Blade guard
7. Blade
8. Orbital adjustment knob
9. Base assembly
10. Battery pack
11. Dust port
Avoid using solvents when cleaning plastic parts. Most plastics
are susceptible to various types of commercial solvents and may
be damaged by their use. Use clean cloths to remove dirt, carbon
dust, etc.
Use only AEG accessories and spare parts. Should components
that have not been described need to be replaced, contact one
of our AEG service agents (see our list of guarantee/service
If needed, an exploded view of the product can be ordered. State
the product type and the serial number printed on the label,
and order the drawing at your local service agents or directly
at: Techtronic Industries GmbH, Max-Eyth-Straße 10, 71364
Winnenden, Germany.
Read the instructions carefully before starting the
Remove the battery pack before starting any work on
the product.
Wear protective gloves.
Wear ear protectors.
No-load speed
Direct current
European Conformity Mark
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Marcă AEG
Model BST 18X20
Categorie Ferăstraie verticale
Tip fișier PDF
Mărime fișier 6.16 MB

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Întrebări frecvente despre AEG BST 18X20 Ferăstrău vertical

Echipa noastră de asistență caută informații utile despre produs și răspunde la întrebările frecvente. Dacă descoperiți o inexactitate în întrebările frecvente, vă rugăm să ne anunțați utilizând formularul de contact.

Pe ce materiale pot folosi jaw? Verificat

Datorită lamelor schimbătoare, Jigsaws poate fi utilizat pe aproape toate materialele. Ferăstrăurile sunt folosite în principal pentru a tăia curbe și colțuri.

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Trebuie să port protecție pentru ochi când folosesc un ferăstrău? Verificat

Da. Particulele mici pot zbura în sus în timpul tăierii. Când acestea lovesc un ochi, pot provoca leziuni permanente ale ochilor. De aceea este întotdeauna necesar să purtați ochi de protecție.

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Pot depozita sculele electrice într-o magazie sau garaj? Verificat

În general, puteți depozita sculele electrice într-o magazie sau garaj, chiar dacă uneori îngheață acolo. Cu toate acestea, este mai bine pentru durata de viață a sculei electrice să o depozitați într-un loc uscat, fără fluctuații majore de temperatură. Într-o șopronă sau garaj, diferențele de temperatură pot provoca formarea de condens, care poate provoca rugina. În plus, uneltele care funcționează cu baterii durează mai puțin și nu se încarcă la fel de bine la temperaturi foarte scăzute. Pentru a fi sigur cum trebuie depozitată unealta electrică, citiți întotdeauna cu atenție manualul de utilizare.

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Trebuie să port protecție auditivă când folosesc un ferăstrău? Verificat

Da ar trebui. Deși cantitatea de zgomot produsă de un puzzle poate varia între mărci și modele, expunerea pe termen lung la zgomot puternic poate provoca leziuni permanente ale auzului. De aceea este o idee bună să purtați protecție auditivă.

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Manual AEG BST 18X20 Ferăstrău vertical

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